Star Wars Fanon

The Laquil (/la:ˈki:l/, singular "Laq") were a sentient species of humanoids native to Baes in the Unknown Regions. Reputed for their military orientation, the Laquil and their homeworld were contributors to both the Tetrarchy of Mezlagob and the Golden Empire.

Biology and appearance[]

The humanoid Laquil would nonetheless never be mistaken for Humans. They had blue skin, which was nearly sky blue when they were born and darkened with age; the most venerable of Laquil had skin which was between navy blue and indigo. All Laquil had green hair, though the shades varied wildly and did not change color with age. They had black sclera in their eyes, though the irises came in various colors.

Laquil faces slanted backward from their noses, giving them a somewhat avian appearance. Their eyes still faced directly forward and thus appeared deep-set in their faces. Their hands and talon-like digits were tougher than any other part of their flesh, even their three-toed feet, as if the skin there had developed callouses. Though it was not considered a civilized action, they could scratch hard enough with their fingers to draw blood in each other and most other sentients.

Laquil had gestation periods of roughly seven standard months and gave birth to live young, usually one at a time. Infant Laquil were born with soft fingers, which hardened by the age of two.

Laquil were omnivores, but most preferred meat-heavy diets. Those few who for various reasons elected to be strict vegetarians usually required artificial dietary supplements to keep themselves healthy.

Society and culture[]

Having integrated alien species from both the Tetrarchy and the Golden Empire into their homeworld, the Laquil themselves retained few distinctive elements of their own culture. However, they were famous throughout both governments as a very pro-military culture. The presence of the Tetrarchy and Royal militaries on their homeworld had become so normalized that military service was considered a common, almost routine occupation. Pacifism or conscientious objection were viewed with suspicion at best, and usually with outright disdain.

Baes in general had a reputation in the Golden Empire for requiring a firm-handed Consul to govern, and though aliens made up a substantial minority of the population, most of this was attributed to the Laquil. As a people they respected strength and despised spinelessness; they would submit willingly to a firm and capable leader, but would usually test and push back against a weak one. It was said that "the loyalty of a Laq is not easily won or lost".

Public displays of emotion were usually frowned upon by the Laquil unless there was a good reason, such as joy at a wedding or sorrow mourning the death of a loved one.


It was generally accepted by the Laquil and xenobiologists that the Laquil had evolved from an avian species in the distant past; their facial features, largely carnivorous diet, and talon-like hands all supported the theory, as did several strong evolutionary ancestor links. Laq biologists speculated that the Laquil had developed their bone density (roughly comparable to that of Humans, and thus much proportionally stronger and heavier than that of birds) only after become terrestrial.

Even before the arrival of the Tetrarchy, the Laquil had only sporadic history of democracy on their home planet. Their appreciation for strength and predatory instincts allowed them to flourish under dictatorships and monarchies. Though Laquil would rise up to overthrow both weak and unbearably tyrannical rulers, those who governed in the middle were generally allowed to rule unmolested.

The Laquil were an intelligent and inventive people, and by 214 BBY they had not only developed space travel, but had created several permanent space stations and explored their entire Sontac system with both probes and manned vessels. They had also developed primitive laser weaponry. The Tetrarchy arrived in that year and quickly defeated the Laquil forces. Rather than enslave Baes, however, the Tetrarchs offered the Laquil the chance to become part of the Tetrarchy willingly.

The Laquil accepted the offer and quickly became a major species in the Vall`to sector. Baes became the sector's military depot, and the further annexation of the sector was launched from there. It also became a major producer of military weapons and spacecraft. Many Laqs served in the Tetrarchy military, although none ever ascended to become Tetrarchs themselves.

Most Laquil supported the Tetrarchy loyally during the Great Liberation, and fought valiantly in defense of their homeworld in the 102 ABY Battle of Baes. When what remained of the Tetrarchy fleet surrendered, however, the Laquil did not mount the insurgency some Tetrarchy officials had expected. Conceding that the forces of Rin Sakaros were superior to their own, they bowed to a stronger leader. The capture of Mezlagob and the final defeat of the Tetrarchy at Ommol wiped out most pockets of resistance among the Laquil; the majority of Tetrarchy insurgents and dissidents on Baes were immigrated species like Mezzels and Umdals.

The Laquil continued as relatively diligent citizens of the Empire, though they sometimes took advantage of weaker Consuls. Toblus Dijrek was considered so needlessly indulgent of the people that Rin deposed him and replaced him with the fair but much firmer Sorrik, to whom the Laquil responded with more respect and deference. Many Laquil continued to serve in the military; immediately after the Great Liberation, some even continued on the very ships they had served with the Tetrarchy.

In the galaxy[]

The Centurion Nairasho was a Laq who was murdered during the Nightmare War. Due to the pervasiveness of military culture on their homeworld, many Laquil served in the militaries of both the Tetrarchy and the Empire. Many others were defense contractors or military scientists.

Behind the scenes[]

As stated in the twentieth anniversary edition of Heir to the Empire, the idea of younglings being born with pale skin that gradually darkened was initially proposed by Timothy Zahn for the Noghri; the idea was that the Noghri would be born light gray and gradually darken to black in old age. Lucasfilm overruled Zahn due to concerns about racial implications.

The Laquil were originally depicted with different skin tones in the same ways Humans have different skin tones, just various shades of blue. However, remembering Zahn's concept, Sakaros opted to include that idea with the Laquil instead.
