I wish I wasn't so scared!
—Lapis Hunter, panicking while Ahsoka's in trouble
Lapis Hunter was a Jedi Padawan of Jedi Master Kit Fisto.
Lapis Hunter was not brave and strong like other Jedi. When she was a youngling, she was scared of her own shadow.
Kit Fisto, who saw something in Lapis, takes her as his Padawan. He tried to train to her but she was too soft and shy to even hold her lightsaber.
Later, Lapis joined her master on her first battle with Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. Fisto told Anakin that he hoped Ahsoka could somehow help Lapis since it seemed Lapis feels more comfortable around people her age.
Early life[]
Not much is known about Lapis in her past. She never knew her parents or her homeplanet. She was found by an unnamed Jedi knight and was taken to the temple.
She was apprenticed at the age of 17.
Personality and traits[]
Lapis was orinigally shy when Ahsoka tried to talk to her; she muttered so low that she had to repeat what she said. Later, she overcame her shyness and saved Ahsoka from droids and drowning.
She became brave shown when she jumped off a crashing ship, going after a deadly murder. She, though, was still soft, which was shown when she cried after realizing she left Ahsoka behind to be sold on the black market. She was also quiet and obedient.
Powers and abilities[]
Lapis was shown to be talented with her lightsaber and the Force, although having difficulties using the Jedi mind trick and Force choke. She was also very flexible and could fit through almost all small objects. She was athletic, able to use acrobatics to easily dodge, evade her enemies, and run faster then most Padawans.
Behind the scenes[]
Lapis was originally unnamed Jedi Padawan, being planned on making cameo appearances in Night-Rose's fanfictions, but was officially made a character when another Padawan was needed for a fanfiction.