Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
LEGO Star Wars IV: The After-Trilogy
Publication information

Third-person Action/Platformer


Single player




Windows PC, MAC, Linux


Legacy era


81 ABY - 87 ABY

LEGO Star Wars IV: The After-Trilogy is an unofficial LEGO star wars game, made for online gamers. It is aimed for ages 8-12.

Playable Characters[]

Character name Weapon Power
Nekk Skywalker Green Lightsaber Force, Super jump
Gam (Padawan) Blue Lightsaber Force, Vent Crawl
R5-B9 Droid Stunner Astromech Access
R9-P56 Droid Stunner Astromech Access
Cenk Gev Blaster Pistol x2 Grappling Hook, Jet pack, Bounty Hunter Access
Darth Saevus Red Lightsaber Dark Force
New Clone Trooper Rifle, Blaster Grappling Hook
Medical Assassin Droid Droid Stunner Astromech Access, Protocol Access
Captain Beck Rifle Grappling Hook
Commander Ace Bazooka Grappling Hook
Lieutenant Tep Blaster Pistols x2 Grappling Hook
Mrutakka Old Rifle Grappling Hook, Bounty Hunter Access
IG-86 (Cenk Gev) Rifle Protocol Access, Astromech Access, Bounty Hunter Access
Evis Eclipse Blue Lightsaber Force
Character name Weapon Power
R10-A1 Droid Stunner, Blaster Astromech Access
Gam Green Lightsaber Force
R8-Z7 Droid Stunner Astromech Access
B-4PO None Protocol Access
Stormtrooper Blaster Grappling Hook
Death Star Trooper Blaster Grappling Hook
Admiral Yoz-Pen Super Blaster Grappling Hook
Imperial Guard Spear Super Jump
Exus Skywalker Blue Lightsaber Force
King Sayus Blaster Pistols x2 Grappling Hook
Evis Eclipse (Sith) Red Lightsaber Dark Force
Darth Vader's clone Red Lightsaber Dark Force
Larza Biv Double-Bladed Blue Lightsaber Force
Larza Skywalker Blue Lightsaber Force, Vent Crawl
Bob Kick, Punch None
Joe None Weird Dance
