One of our most experienced infantrymen, this man deserves a medal. He will be placed in command of the Remnant's Blizzard Force.
—Admiral Pelleon
Kyp Trasidar was a human male snowtrooper serving in the Galactic Empire's elite Blizzard Force. Considered to be a prodigy, Kyp attended the Bastion Military Academy and graduated at the rank of lieutenant. He was loyal Imperial and supported the New Order, but was against some of the things Emperor Palpatine did. Kyp also liked the position of snowtrooper, declining a request to the Emperor's Royal Guard academy on the planet of Yinchorr. He himself came from a world valued by Palpatine, Wayland, due to the Mount Tantiss complex which was built there. His most notable appearance was the Battle of Hoth. Kyp survived the Galactic Civil War and fought for Thrawn's Confederacy after the deaths of Palpatine and Vader, seeing how the Grand Admiral seemed to be coming close to brining the Empire back together. Later, Kyp served in the Imperial Remnant under Admiral Pelleon. He ended up marrying a Jedi.
Kyp was physically fit, as a result of his father making him exercise constantly. He was also considered a prodigy in maths, history, language, and sciences, though he rarely used those subjects. Kyp was Force-sensitive, though had no way of training himself to make his powers better, and usually relied on brute strength and other skills he had. Since childhood, Kyp saw Imperial troops on his homeworld (guarding the Emperor's secret complex) and admired them, since at one point a squad of stormtroopers saved his village from a tribe of dangerous natives. Upon learning of the Empire, he enlisted in the Stormtrooper Corps, knowing that all of the action was there while all the Imperial Army did was garrison planets. After being assigned to be a snowtrooper, he liked it and took the job very seriously, quickly climbing up the ranks. He refused invitations to try to join the Emperor's Royal Guard and Imperial Special Forces. After the fall of the Empire, a member of Palpatine's Dark Side Elite trained Kyp and improved his Force skills, for several days.
Early life[]
Born to Han Trasidar and Alyona Trasidar in the Hyllyard City, the small capitol of the planet Wayland and one of the few human colonies on the world. His father, who fought in the Clone Wars as an officer in the Republic Navy, wanted him to be physically fit. Kyp was forced to exercise constantly, and thus was very strong and fast. Naturally, he was good at normal subjects, being a prodigy, and thus knew a lot about math, science, history, technology, and other things even though the city school was low quality.
At some point, a squadron of stormtroopers, stationed at the nearby Mount Tantiss complex, saved the city from an attack by a tribe of natives. From that moment, Kyp expressed interest in joining the Empire. His father revealed to Kyp that he was a member of the Imperial Exploration Corps, a less formal division of the Imperial Navy which scouted planets and informed Naval Command if it would make a good site for a base. Emperor Palpatine sent him to Wayland personally, as he was one of the most experienced scouts. He informed the Emperor of the location in which Mount Tantiss then stood, and was appointed by Palpatine as planetary governor for it.
Imperial enlistment[]

Kyp in Bastion's northern hemisphere during a training exercise.
Upon turning 18 in 0 ABY, Kyp flew off world with his father to an Imperial recruitment office. There, after being given a choice to join the Imperial Army, Imperial Navy, Stormtrooper Corps, Imperial Military Police, Internal Safeguard Division, and the Imperial oceanic fleet, he joined the Corps. After enlisting, Kyp was sent to the Bastion Military Academy, as the recruiters noticed he was physically fit and a prodigy in normal subjects. Since they were having a shortage of snowtroopers, Kyp was assigned to that role.
He was more prepared for the vigorous training at the Imperial Academy, as Kyp was used to doing a lot of physical work. However, he was not prepared for all of the combat and other military skills taught at the academy. As a snowtrooper, him and his squadron received training in the northern hemisphere, where everything was covered in ice. Kyp preformed better than others in his class, and was noticed by his superiors for it. General Maximilian Veers took notice, especially, since he was putting together Blizzard Force, an elite arctic combat unit.
After much training, Kyp became proficient in marksmanship, arctic survival skills, hand-to-hand combat, and received minor instruction in piloting AT-AT walkers. He wanted to remain a snowtrooper, and politely declined Veers' invitation to become an Imperial Army Pilot. When his regiment graduated, they were placed into Blizzard Force. Kyp was given the rank of sergeant, and was very glad. He thought in the Empire, he would get to help people and protect them, unaware of it's oppressive ways. However, his good mood ended when they were informed that the Death Star was destroyed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Kyp's hatred for the Rebels began.
As they were preparing to leave, one of his comrade snowtroopers, Ben Pulastra, decided to join the Rebellion, and met up with a spy of the Alliance on Bastion. He asked others to join him. Kyp refused, and reported him to General Veers. He then saw his first action as his squad stormed the small hideout of the rebel spy, where Kyp shot him while another trooper killed Ben.
Galactic Civil War[]
Battle of Akuria II[]
Looks like the storm is clearing up. Let's return back to base.
—Kyp to another trooper
Upon graduation, Kyp and his regiment were deployed to the ice planet of Akuria II in the Outer Rim Territories. An Imperial base was constructed there to protect the Empire's mining interests in the system. Kyp oversaw native slaves and guarded them as they worked in the mines. He remembered that Ben Pulastra, a traitor, told him that the Empire was evil and oppressive. Kyp told himself that the Akurians did something wrong and deserved to be enslaved for the greater good.

The base on Akuria II.
When the Alliance to Restore the Republic attacked in an attempt to liberate the planet in 1 ABY, Kyp and his men fought in defense of the facility. Kyp fought his way up the mine shaft he was in, killing several rioting Akurians and Rebel soldiers. At the base of the mine, him and several other troopers eliminated a task force of Rebel troops attempting to breach it with the help of several rebelling Akurians. Kyp and the others made it back to the nearby base, which suffered a light attack by X-wings. For his actions, Kyp was promoted to lieutenant.
Several weeks following the incident, Kyp was rotated off world to another planet called Pallaxides, an ice world in the Outer Rim.
Battle of Pallaxides[]

Kyp and his squadron fighting on Pallaxides.
Those rebels seem to want to fight to the last man . . . too bad. Kill them all.
—Kyp on Pallaxides
Pallaxides was an ice planet used by TaggeCo as a resort world. In the mountains, underground, various resorts and casinos were located. When Kyp asked if they could use the facilities, the response was that they were only for TaggeCo employees. Disappointed, he continued his job of patrolling and guarding the installations on the planet. During that time, he became friends with fellow troopers Jacen Unimar, Nom Ulrand, and Eeyan Krotan. They formed a small squadron called Squad 66.
When the Rebel Army attacked the planet, Kyp and the others were at Hill 621, a defensive position with a heavy E-web turret. Kyp and Nom operated the turret and fired at advancing Rebel armored units while Eeyan and Jacen fired at them with snipers. The advancing troops, realizing they were being held back by four men, awaited their reinforcements. At the same time, more snowtroopers came to back up Squad 66. Kyp continued firing the turret at the Rebels as another wave advanced on their position.
Exhausted, the Rebels final started retreating to their transports, which the Rebel Navy was forced to land several miles away due to artillery. Kyp abandoned the turret and pressed on with the rest of the troops, chasing the rebels back to their ships. The Imperial commander praised Kyp and the other three for their bravery, after battle ended, and promoted them. He was now a captain.
While traveling aboard the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Devastator to the planet of Rothana, Kyp overheard several officers talking about the need for a speeder bike specifically built for work in arctic terrain, to be used by snowtroopers. The standard speeders used by scout troopers suffered numerous problems in cold environments, as was noted by other snowtroopers on Akuria II. Kyp possessed knowledge of mechanics from his childhood studies, as well as training from the Corps. He got an idea.
Kyp got Nyrox Fenson, a scout trooper friend, to give him a spare Imperial speeder for usage. In a small storage area near the aft hangar, Kyp worked on it and modified it to suit snowy environments. He detached the two lance poles in the front, and added small treads to the bottom, specifically designed to move vehicles through snow. He got an engine from a snow vehicle kept aboard the ship and installed it into the speeder, modifying it to work faster. After finishing, he went to a training room aboard the ship filled with snow and tried it out, and it worked.

An Echo speeder.
Kyp presented the invention to Stormtrooper Command, the senior staff of the Corps. After examining it, they found several small flaws, but decided to use it nonetheless (and had engineers improve the model.) For his work, Kyp was given 12,000 Imperial Credits and a recommendation for a promotion to major. They informed him that the speeder would be manufactured for special use by snowtroopers. Kyp named it the Echo speeder bike.
Mission to Rothana[]
Blizzard Force was stationed on the icy world of Rothana, headquarters of Rothana Heavy Engineering corporation. Though it was nationalized by the Empire, it was nonetheless suspected by the garrison commander to be full of Rebel loyalists who were smuggling weapons to the Alliance. Kyp, along with two other snowtroopers named Allyn Narthax and Doran Kruton, and an Imperial heavy trooper named Ulen Orsalan, were ordered by the garrison commander, Colonel Irrv, to infiltrate the company's storage compound.
The four broke into it by using a tunnel carved by wampa ice creatures. They managed to kill two guards in the corridor they entered, but were spotted a moment later by a passing patrol. Kyp gave the others cover fire as they broke through a different door. A grenade Kyp through blew up the corridor the patrol was in and caused it to collapse on them as the squad moved in through the building. They came upon a room of vehicles stored in large containers, and had to kill several smugglers that were there. Kyp noticed they had Rebel insignias on their arms.
Though they saw it, Kyp and the others were unable to prevent a large Rebel transport from escaping with a hold full of new vehicles. Kyp reported what happened upon their return to the garrison base, who said it was not important by that point and had them all board a gunship which took them up to a Star Destroyer in orbit.
Battle of Hoth[]
Grenade! Get down!
—Kyp in Echo Base
The Star Destroyer met up with the fleet of Darth Vader and Admiral Piett. Kyp was briefed by General Veers that the Rebel base was discovered on Hoth, and they were going to destroy it. Blizzard Force was the core of the ground troops, and Veers had Kyp assigned to his walker, the Blizzard One. A platoon of snowtroopers was placed under his command, known as Ice Storm.
After being flown to the surface aboard Kuat Imperial dropships, Kyp and his platoon were transported on two A6 Juggernauts, large tanks that used wheels and were to go ahead of the walkers. They were joined by two other Juggernauts, carrying the Snow Wolves, another snowtrooper unit under the command of Captain Eryll Kerane. Their objective was to breach the east side of the base and take the Rebel troops there by surprise.

Kyp during the Battle of Hoth.
The four Juggernauts drove there ahead of the AT-AT squadron, Thundering Herd. They fired rockets at the east wall, collapsing part of it and opening an entrance. Kyp and the other soldiers fought their way through the corridors of that section, with the mission of taking the control room in the tunnels and eventually making it to the main hangar. As they fought, Squad 66 split off from the other troops and advanced onto the control center on it's own.
In the process, squad member Jacen was killed by a sniper at the end of a long corridor, Nom was shot by a soldier, and Eeyan was killed by a grenade. Kyp took their deaths hard, since they maintained a good friendship and thought of each other as brothers. He proceeded to the center by himself, killing several Rebels on his own. The commander, Danyar Olesa, tried to fight him with a pistol but was killed. Kyp then awaited the rest of the troops, but ended up meeting Vader's squadron.
At the end of the battle, Kyp felt both good and bad. Good, since the Empire was victorious, and bad, because his closest comrades were dead. Veers, despite being injured during the battle, congratulated him and gave him a promotion to major.
Battle of Toola[]

Kyp in his new customized commander armor.
She has to be around hear some where . . .
—Kyp to another trooper
Before heading to his next post, Kyp was issued a new set of armor to use as an officer. It designated him from the rest of his troops as the superior. The new armor was very similar to a clone trooper commander who took part in Order 66. His next assignment was to garrison Ithaqua Station, a spaceport on Toola, another ice planet. It was a break from combat to give Kyp a chance to rest.
However, he got no such rest. Several days after arrival, Kyp and the rest of Ice Storm was tasked with finding Daichi Akane, a fugitive female Twi'lek Jedi who survived the Great Jedi Purge and worked for the Rebels. She was reported to be around the Station, so the garrison locked it down, preventing anyone from leaving. Kyp sat in his office after a day of searching, and filed away several reports on their progress to be sent to Stormtrooper Command. As he did, the Jedi broke in and attacked him. Kyp managed to get her lightsaber and threw out down a garbage shute, and so they dueled in hand to hand combat. She felt his Force sensitivity, and gave him the offer to join the Alliance and be trained as her Jedi Padawan. He refused, and she slammed him into a wall using Force Punch, knocking Kyp out. That was not the last time he would run into her.
Daichi did not escape, as she was captured by several troopers at a blockade. A Rebel Army force led by Colonel Fin Ulrand attacked the planet a day later, attempting to break her out. Kyp personally guarded the prison block she was at, and his unit held off the Rebel special forces long enough for Ice Storm to defeat the Rebs in other parts of the city. The Colonel himself was captured during the battle. After interrogating Ulrand, Kyp shot him in the back of the head. Daichi Akane was taken to a different prison by a squad from the Imperial Corrections Service that arrived three days after the battle.
Battle of Soronia[]
After leaving Toola, Kyp and the rest of Ice Storm was sent to Soronia, a world in the Core Worlds, specifically in the Corellian system. It was a minor ice planet at the edge of a system and held the Frozen Rock, a large prison mining complex. The Corrections Service requested more snowtroopers to be sent there, since they were more trained for cold terrain than Imperial dungeoneers were. The complex was made up of a cell block and located in the mountains, an exceptionally cold place. Kyp and his men worked as prison guards there. Daichi was held there as well.
In 4 ABY, a Rebel Army task force attacked the planet by order of Luke Skywalker himself, who wanted to rescue Daichi since she was one of the most experienced Jedi in the Alliance. After landing in the frozen plains, the task force moved up into the mountains. Kyp led a vanguard of several squadrons in an attempt to stall them while the prison built up it's defenses. Several troopers were killed, but Kyp and his unit managed to destroy several repulslorlift tanks and transports. The task force had to stop and attend to the wounded.
In the prison, a riot took place. Daichi managed to break out and recover her lightsaber. After killing several Imperial Corrections officers, she was met by a squad of snowtroopers led by Kyp. They had a short confrontation, in which Daichi killed the other troopers but spared Kyp for reasons unknown to him. The rest of the rioting prisoners were killed. Daichi managed to meet up with the task force, and was sent up on a gunship to an Alliance navy cruiser in orbit.

Kyp examining the battle.
When the task force attacked, the Imperial defenders were able to hold them off due to having a strategic advantage. Kyp led a squadron of Ice Storm troopers near the main entry gate, holding off any Rebel soldiers or vanguards that made it up. Several hours later, the commanding officer of the task force surrendered. Almost everyone stopped fighting by that point, with the last remnants being mopped up in less than a half an hour later. Kyp took several prisoners, one being a Rebel marksman named Maris Sitra.
As his unit was being flown off of Soronia, they were informed of the deaths of the Emperor and Vader over Endor. The Star Destroyer they were placed aboard immediately went to Bastion, where the Endor fleet regrouped.
Post-Civil War[]
Kyp and his unit were stationed on various ice worlds as garrison troops, following Grand Vizier Sate Pestage's and later Director Ysanne Isard's rise to power. Kyp was angered at warlords who broke off from the Empire, and wished to fight against them to reunite the Empire. At this time, he noticed that their usual amount of new troopers that they received was dwindling. He also heard of the New Republic, which made him angry as well, that the Rebels he viewed as terrorists made their own government. Kyp finally decided to take his unit to Grand Admiral Thrawn's confederation. They began working for the Grand Admiral.
Thrawn Campaign[]
Battle of Anoth[]

An Imperial recruitment poster with Kyp.
Under Thrawn, Kyp was recognized for his loyalty with a promotion to commander. The Grand Admiral placed him in charge of operations on ice planets, making him the head of Blizzard Force. The once famously elite unit that destroyed Echo Base on Hoth lost it's glory, and Kyp went on his own campaign to redeem it. Thrawn had Rear Admiral Ash Pulastra, with a task force of one Star Destroyer and to frigates, carry out several operations with Kyp. Ambassador Furgan of Carida, loyal to Thrawn, armed Blizzard Force with four AT-ATs, six AT-STs, eight experimental AT-MTs, six TIE Crawlers, eight TIE Maulers, and one AT-IC.
The planet of Anoth had a New Republic base guarded by special forces. The children of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo were kept there at some point, though left the base. Anoth was a perfect target to test Blizzard Force's capabilities. Leading from an AT-ST, Kyp's troops attacked the base after landing several kilometers away. Advancing on the outer defenses, the unsuspecting New Republic troops were torn apart and retreated. The inner defenses put up more of a fight. Kyp made sure to jam their communications, to prevent them from contacting help.
They breached the base, where his snowtroopers fought with the defenders in the corridors and rooms of the base. Kyp personally led a squadron into the control room, where he executed their commanding officer. He then contacted Admiral Ash of the victory, who sent down transports to extract them.
Battle of Rhen Var[]
The New Republic noticed it's loss on Anoth, but most did not pay attention to it because of the other successes gained by Thrawn. Kyp looked at Rhen Var, another ice planet that hosted a New Republic communications base. Admiral Ash's ships dropped them off on Rhen Var with several AT-TEs that were recovered at an old Grand Army of the Republic base. They approached the small outpost, which was in an ancient citadel building, and had to climb a small mountain.
Upon arrival, they engaged several Republic troops near the entrance. They reported the attack to their superiors, who informed their regional command of the attack. The small garrison was unable to keep them at bay for very long. Kyp and his men killed off nearly everyone, with a few guards running off into the icy tundras. The Empire scored another victory, thanks to the Blizzard Force. However, they abandoned the planet shortly afterwards.
Imperial Remnant[]
Following the attack, Kyp and the others learned of Thrawn's death at Bilbringi. They regrouped with the main task force, and joined the new Imperial Remnant established by Admiral Pelleon. Kyp continued serving him, but saw less action as they sought a truce with the Republic.