Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

I trust that things will get better. Not because I am certain, but because if you lose all hope, you are left with nothing.
—Kylu Lli'h

Kylu Lli'h, known simply as Kayo during his exile, was a Force-sensitive Theelin male who served as a Jedi Knight in the waning years of the Galactic Republic and later, after surviving through Order 66, went into hiding in Hutt space, specifically the moon Nar Shaddaa during the reign of the Galactic Empire. As a Jedi Knight, Lli'h served as a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Prior to the Clone Wars, Lli'h learned the ways of the Force as the Padawan learner of Jedi Master Shaak Ti. Due to her new responsibilities on Kamino upon the onset of the war however, Ti was unable to complete Lli'h's training and he was assigned as the new Padawan learner of Jedi Knight Corezz Jet, who had once been the apprentice of Shaak Ti himself. Lli'h served as a Commander of the 882nd Company, nicknamed "the Hive", alongside Jedi General Corezz Jet and Clone Captain CT-2002 "Hornet" during the Clone Wars before ascending to the rank of Jedi Knight at the suggestion of Ti towards the end of the war.


Early life[]

In 39 BBY, Kylu Lli'h was born. At the age of two, Lli'h was discovered by Jedi Knight Shaak Ti and her Padawan learner Corezz Jet on his homeworld Tangruu while the Jedi were dealing with political tensions between native Tangruuan extremists and Tangruu's settlers and their Tangruuan pacifist allies. After this, he was inducted into the Jedi Order. Like all Jedi of his era, Lli'h was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. At some point, Lli'h was taken to the ice planet Ilum as part of the Gathering which was a rite of passage of the Jedi Order meant as a lesson to teach younglings how to overcome their personal fears or failings and to find a kyber crystal attuned to their Force energy in the Crystal Caves of Ilum. Lli'h found his crystal in a pool of water. This crystal would form the heart of his lightsaber. He constructed his saber under the tutelage of Jedi architect droid Huyang. His lightsaber would emit a blue blade.

Apprenticeship to Shaak Ti[]

From Jedi Initiate to Padawan learner[]

Shaak Ti casual

Kylu Lli'h was trained in the Jedi arts by Jedi Master Shaak Ti

At around the age of thirteen, Lli'h began to struggle deeply with shame and guilt over his newly discovered dark side temptations. These feelings caused him to fall into a depression. The Togruta Jedi Master Shaak Ti had kept watch over the young Theelin that she and her former apprentice had discovered on Tongruu and followed his early career. Ti could feel that Lli'h had fallen into a dark place and wanted to help him. She believed that the Force had drawn the two together from the beginning and when it was time for him to achieve the rank of Padawan and gain a master of his own, she made a request to train the boy to Jedi Grandmaster Yoda. Although Yoda insisted that he could not guarantee anything, he promised that he would see what he could do. On the day of Lli'h's graduation from Jedi Initiate to Jedi Padawan, he was overjoyed to learn that Ti would be his new teacher.

Training on Shili[]

Much of Kylu Lli'h's training took place in the wilds of Shili, amongst the Togruta people. His master, Shaak Ti, preferred teaching her students in her homeworld's natural vibrant red and green grasslands, rainforests and savannahs over the concrete and metal surroundings of Coruscant's Jedi Temple. She believed it helped her apprentices to better connect with the Force. Lli'h and his master spent much of their time on Shili until the outbreak of the Clone Wars when they were urgently needed on various planets to defend against the forces of the Separatist Droid Army.

The Clone Wars[]

The road to Knighthood[]

I barely remember my family. The closest thing I had to a family was the Jedi Order. My first master, Shaak Ti, she was like a mother to me. And my other master, Corezz, well he was like my older brother.
—Kylu Lli'h, to Reo Jet

A few months after the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Shaak Ti was assigned to the planet Kamino, the homeworld of the soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic, by the Jedi High Council as a representative of the Jedi and the Republic and to oversee the training of the Clone army. Due to this, Ti was unable to complete Lli'h's training and so she assigned him to her former apprentice, Zabrak Jedi Knight Corezz Jet, who was apprenticed to Ti at the time they discovered the young Lli'h during their time on Tangruu. Under the apprenticeship of Jet for the majority of the Clone Wars, Kylu Lli'h served as a Jedi Commander in the 882nd Company. His efforts in the war were considered part of his Jedi trials and due to the Jedi's need for more Generals to participate in the war effort, Lli'h was promoted to Jedi Knight. Upon his ascension to Jedi Knight, his master Jet was granted the rank of Jedi Master. Despite being grateful for his promotion, Lli'h didn't feel as though he was ready for the responsibilities of a Jedi Knight at such a young age.

Jedi Knighthood and Order 66[]

Due to the war, many Padawans were promoted to Jedi Knight earlier than ever before, including myself. I never really felt like I was ready when the time came; I was so young. I still don't know if I'm ready now?
—Kylu Lli'h, to Beau Flamika

After ascending to the rank of Jedi Knight, Kylu Lli'h became a Jedi General. Kylu Lli'h survived Order 66.

Reign of the Empire[]

While in exile, Kylu joined the Crew of the Solar Nest.

Personality and traits[]

Physical appearance[]

Kylu Lli'h was a Theelin male who had blue-green eyes, yellow mottled skin with white stripes, a slender build and dark brown hair.


When he was young, Lli'h was brave and selfless yet reserved. He was kind-hearted and felt a tremendous amount of self-responsibility and held all of his actions to account, even blaming himself for things that were out of his control. This was his greatest weakness and led to him struggling deeply with his identity. His master, Shaak Ti, empathised deeply with her young student and was frustrated by the potential she could see within him that was blocked by his lack of confidence in his abilities.

Over time, Lli'h's experiences led to him becoming more mature and confident in himself and his strengths grew. He began to see what he could be if he allowed himself to be free of his mental restraints and began to flourish tremendously. This led to his path to Jedi Knighthood.

Powers and abilities[]

Lightsaber abilities[]

Kylu Lli'h was extremely proficient in lightsaber combat.

Force powers[]

Lli'h was very acrobatic and used the Force to heighten these acrobatic abilities to incredible lengths. His Force powers allowed him to leap enormous heights and distances. He could also use his Force powers to perform stunning somersaults and impressive handstands, even being able to hold all of his body weight on his little finger. He was often seen flying through the air while in combat, using his acrobatics to fling himself through the air and use height as an advantage.

Like most members of the Jedi Order, Lli'h was also capable of many telekinetic feats such as being able to lift people and objects of weights even heavier than his own into the air, Force pushing combatants across great distances and slowing and holding falling objects in the air before they hit the ground.

Lli'h's Force abilities also enabled him to sense things in the Force from the past, the present and the future. He could also sense individuals that he had a connection with across the galaxy through the Force. This came to the forefront of his awareness when they experienced things such as intense emotions or feelings. He also knew how to perform mind tricks on weak-minded lifeforms.

Other abilities[]

Kylu Lli'h was a skilled starfighter pilot.



Kylu Lli'h owned a blue lightsaber. He built this lightsaber during his time as a Jedi Initiate.


During his time as a smuggler for the Path, Lli'h owned a blaster.


During early development, Kylu Lli'h was conceived as a Mirialan. After fleshing out his story, the character was changed into a member of the Theelin species as it was decided that it would better suit his backstory.
