Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic era

As a Soresu master, a formidable opponent you are

Kyle Ledar was a Jedi Master during the waning days of the Galactic Republic. Kyle was an a cunning tactician and an excellent swordsman. His knowledge of the force was almost unmatched by many of his age.

After the death of his master, Paarl Si, Kyle took to completing peace-keeping missions all across the galaxy handling disputes and conflicts that took him as far out as Tattooine. Kyle gained a high knowledge of many different planets from his master and continued to display this knowledge as time passed by.

Around 26 BBY Kyle took Zackar Larkan as his Jedi apprentice and continued to show him the farthest depths of the galaxy as he adjusted to life as a mentor.

Kyle served as a General during the Clone Wars and took part in many high profile campaigns, including the Battle of Malastare. Kyle was resentful of the war at the beginning but later become one of many Jedi heroes of the war.

After Order 66 Kyle hid his former flagship, a Venator-class Star Destroyer the Collaborator on Hoth where it remained undisturbed for many years. Afterwards, Kyle set up a base of operations on Vassek at the former castle of General Grievous.


Early life (57 BBY32 BBY)[]

Kyle Ledar was born in 57 BBY on Alderaan, just outside the city of Aldera.

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Like many Jedi of his time, Kyle was taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to begin his Jedi training. Kyle had a brother named Domrick Baveiro who was also taken to the temple for training. It is rumoured that Kyle's mother was an Alderaanian Jedi Knight while his father was a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter.


As a youngling , Kyle became very close friends with Obi-Wan Kenobi and the two formed a strong friendship which would last for many years to come. Along with Obi-Wan, Kyle got to know fellow clan members: Bant Eerin and Quinlan Vos. He studied under Grand Master Yoda like other younglings and his instructors included the battlemaster Cin Drallig and Sora Bulq.

Apprenticed to Paarl Si[]

Kyle was apprenticed to Paarl Si from 45 BBY until his death in 31 BBY. Master Paarl Si selected Kyle as his Padawan learner due to his high force potential and his cautious nature. Paarl observed that Kyle was to become a very wise Jedi Knight, powerful in the ways of the force. While Kyle was always unclear of the reasons behind his master's decision, he valued his master until his death on Tatooine years later.

Apprenticed to Ki-Adi-Mundi[]

After spending almost a year in the refines of the Jedi Temple, Kyle was assigned to Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi for his remaining days as a Padawan. Although little happened during this period, Kyle achieved knighthood and had formed a close connection with the Cerean Jedi which would last until his death in 19 BBY.


Kyle became a full-fledged Jedi Knight in 30 BBY and once he was knighted, he began touring the galaxy on peace-keeping missions which took him from the closest core worlds of the Republic to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, earning Kyle a considerable amount of knowledge of the galaxy.

Taking a Padawan (26 BBY)[]

Around four standards years after passing the Jedi trials, Kyle was prompted by Yoda, Ki-Adi-Mundi and his friend Obi-Wan Kenobi to take on an apprentice. Although skeptical of the idea, since his own master's death, Kyle agreed to oversee a performance taken by several young hopefuls. Kyle watched among other Jedi Knights as the younglings performed for them and was initially uninterested by what he saw, until one young Jedi caught his eye. Kyle watched as Zackar Larkan duelled his opponent and sensed a great deal of potential from him, watching his defensive lightsaber techniques and he could feel his strong connection to the force. Kyle knew from this moment that Zackar was right as his Padawan and took him on immediately after.

The Clone Wars (22 BBY19 BBY)[]

I don’t even like this war, Jedi weren’t here for war we’re to keep the peace. Now look at us, we’re leading armies into battle!
Kyle Ledar[src]

Kyle Ledar was one of many Jedi generals during the Clone Wars, eventually rising to High General and commanding the 7th System Army. He took part in notable battles including the Battle of Rhen Var, the Battle of Malastare and the Battle of Coruscant.

First Battle of Rhen Var[]

I didn’t like Rhen Var last time and I doubt that’ll change this time
Kyle Ledar[src]

Kyle's first mission in the Clone Wars was on Rhen Var, where he was tasked with setting up an outpost alongside fellow Jedi Knights Shaak Ti and Brek Kesk. Kyle was also responsible for Coleman Trebor's Padawan, following his death at the Battle of Geonosis (Clone Wars). Having visited Rhen Var ten years prior to the Clone Wars, Kyle already had experience of the planet and was unimpressed when he learnt he was to return to the ice world.

While training his Padawan on Rhen Var, Kyle began to notice a romantic spark between Zackar Larkan and Essa Linduri, the knowledge of this began to worry him immensely.

After a month of building the base, with his designated Clone Commander CC-3527, the Republic forces on Rhen Var received a message from Obi-Wan Kenobi alerting them to an impending invasion. When the Separatist droid army attacked, Kyle assisted in the evacuation and was relieved when he finally escaped the planet.

Battle of Essowyn[]

Droids can easily be outsmarted but trying to outsmart that Sullustan over there might be a little more of a challenge.
Kyle Ledar[src]

Shortly after the First Battle of Rhen Var, Kyle Ledar and his Padawan Zackar Larkan were assigned to investigate the disappearances of Republic scouts on the planet Essowyn. Relieved of the responsibility of Padawan Essa Linduri, Kyle set out to complete his new mission.

Kyle and Zackar flew on ahead of the Republic Forces due to Kyle's dislike of warfare and clone trooper tactics. When they arrived, they discovered a heavy Separatist occupation under the command of a Sullustan named Fimem Nuum. Nuum had imprisoned the inhabitants of the planet and enslaved them to mine the planet's resources so after instructing Zackar to find and free the prisoners and open the entrance, he confronted Nuum as a diversion. When Kyle approached Nuum, he began to talk the Sullustan round and had almost succeeded were it not for the untimely arrival of his Republic reinforcements, forcing Kyle to fight the droids off alongside his troops. Leading his troops in battle, was his brother Domrick who led the clones which such enthusiasm that Kyle couldn't help but ease his views of the war.

Kyle and Domrick fought the droid army side by side until the overhead shutters closed, prompting the Jedi Knights to venture into the tunnels towards the control centre. Kyle began to worry about the prolonged absence of his Padawan but once he had taken over the control centre and began walking back to the battle, he spotted Plo Koon arriving on the scene. As Kyle and Domrick were pinned down by Droidekas, Zackar rescued them and the trio returned to the battle.

Once Kyle greeted Plo Koon in the middle of the battle, the Kel Dor Jedi Master informed him that Master Yoda has requested that he and his Padawan return to the Jedi Temple, an instruction that Kyle was eager to follow. Kyle and Domrick parted in a nearby sinkhole where Kyle and Zackar had landed their ships, Domrick to join Mace Windu and Kyle and Zackar to return to Coruscant, their role in the Battle of Essowyn offically over.

Battle of Agamar[]

If the Separatists want to fight, we’ll give them a fight.
Kyle Ledar[src]

During the Dark Reaper Crisis, in the early months of the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Mace Windu began a campaign to take the Mirgoshir system from the Separatists. After several days' rest in the Jedi Temple, Kyle and Zackar were sent to Agamar to assist Domrick Baveiro in taking the planet.

This battle was the turning point in Kyle's way of thinking as it was here that he embraced his role as a General of the Grand Army of the Republic.

The battle was a success, although there were many losses, particularly due to the loss of many AT-TE detachments due to their heavy weight.

Battle of Mygeeto[]

After months fighting in the Clone Wars, Kyle Ledar was assigned to Mygeeto for the early days of the battle which would continue throughout the duration of the war. Kyle and Domrick fought alongside each other on Mygeeto, evading the Mygeetan whiteworm and even coming face to face with the merciless General Grievous for the first time. Kyle survived his confrontation with Grievous, along with Domrick, due to the timely arrival of a whiteworm. Kyle had a small role in the battle and had left after a short period of time, disappointed at how little time he had spent serving with his old friend Ki-Adi-Mundi. During Kyle's departure of the planet, he and Zackar were introduced to Commander Dyll (CC-3572), who would serve him throughout the remainder of the war. Kyle was also introduced to Admiral Pellan, captain of the Collaborator. Kyle discovered immediately that Pellan disapproved of the Jedi involvement in the war but he chose to ignore this. While leaving the planet, they discovered that Asajj Ventress was in the space battle and so Kyle was eager to capture her, however Ki-Adi-Mundi informed him that Yoda has requested he return to Coruscant to Kyle and Zackar boarded a near-empty Consular-class ship and went to go on ahead. However, as the pilots took the ship into hyperspace, Ventress had managed to sabotage them and they were headed towards an unknown destination.

Crash Landing on Korriban[]

The Consular-class ship crash landed on Korriban, killing the two clone pilots accompanying Kyle and Zackar. Kyle felt the strong presence of the dark side and it made him very uncomfortable. He carried his unconscious Padawan into a nearby cave and sat down to rest. Kyle had used the force to contact Domrick, who was in orbit over Cadinth having engaged the Separatist fleet, prior to the crash. When Zackar awoke, Kyle tried his best to comfort his Padawan, who was very uncomfortable with the dark side. Kyle was concerned when Zackar began to lose hope, observing that the dark side was influencing his judgement.

Zackar had slipped out of the cave while Kyle slept and when he woke up, he was frustrated at his Padawan for wandering off. He left the cave and saw Ventress waiting for him. He engaged Ventress in an intense lightsaber duel, fighting her off and demonstrating his mastery of Soresu; he was able to defeat Ventress several times during the duel but he had held back. When Zackar arrived, Kyle was shocked to discover that he had been corrupted by the dark side and his Padawan engaged his master in a lightsaber duel. Kyle immediately moved to remove Ventress, forcing her into an ancient temple which stood nearby and defended himself against Zackar's aggressive blows, trying desperately to bring him back to his senses. A great weight began to pull on Kyle's heart, he was distraught at how his Padawan was acting and so he moved to disarm his apprentice, succeeding only by utilising a lightsaber form he had customised himself alongside Domrick. As Zackar did not know about Kyle's new style, he was unable to keep up his attack and so was disarmed. Kyle used the opportunity he had created to deal with an attacking Tuk'ata before Zackar pelted him with force lightning, which Kyle was able to catch in his hands. Kyle waited for his Padawan to stop before force pushing him into a rock, rendering him unconscious. Kyle then dealt with more Tuk'atas but was saved by the arrival of Mace Windu.

Battle of Malastare[]

The Battle of Malastare was one of the longest battles of the Clone Wars, when the planet looked as if it were to be overrun, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine ordered for the defence of Malastare. For this, Mace Windu led the battle personally with the aid of Anakin Skywalker and Kyle Ledar. While Mace and Anakin awaited the air strike which would turn the tide of war, Kyle and Zackar ventured into the treacherous Malastarian jungles in order to take out a critical outpost which would prevent the air strike from reaching its target zone.

Once Kyle and Zackar took out the outpost, the new electro-proton bomb was deployed, eradicating the Separatist's droid army on Malastare.

Following the success on Malastare, and the pledged allegiance of the native Dugs, Kyle and Zackar returned to Coruscant where Kyle was awarded with the status of Jedi Master.

Battle of Coruscant[]

Kyle had become a serving member of the Jedi High Council by 19 BBY and gained considerable respect, his skills never went unnoticed by Yoda's eyes so the diminutive Jedi Master sent Kyle for the planet Nivek on an important mission. As the Collaborator prepared to leave Coruscant, a battle started in orbit, causing ships and debris to crash down onto the planet surface into the buildings. Responding to the attack, Kyle brought his flagship into orbit and began engaging the enemy fleet. The Collaborator held its ground against oncoming enemy frigates and fighters and at one point Kyle led his Blue Squadron from his starfighter. Kyle was responsible for the Guarlara's attack on General Grevious' flagship. After a hard day of battle, Master Yoda was finally able to contact the Collaborator and instruct Kyle to proceed to Nivvek on his quest.

Nivek Mission[]

Having instructed Zackar to study the planet Nivvek prior to leaving, Kyle learnt of a blockade around the planet Nivvek which forced them to take a small squadron onto the planet's surface while the Collaborator held the attention of the Separatist ships. This worked to the Jedi Master's favour as he did not want the clones to assist in the retrieving of the ancient Jedi holocron he was sent to recover.

While on the planet, Kyle and Zackar encountered the deadly shadowmen indigenous to the planet enshrouded in perpetual darkness.

Once the Jedi recovered the Holocron from the Separatist command centre on the planet, they returned to the Collaborator to return to the Jedi Temple.

Order 66[]

While meditating in his quarters aboard the Collaborator, Kyle sensed a strong disturbance in the force which his Padawan had also sensed. When Zackar came in to see what was wrong with him, Kyle began to worry, fearing the worst had finally happened. When his commander opened his door, Kyle saw the thermal detonator in his hand and force pushed them away, bolting out of the room as the quarters exploded. Kyle and Zackar, extremely confused by what was happening, evaded the clone troops aboard the ship and retreated to the engine room while they planned their next move. Kyle instructed Zackar to shut down the engines and then hide in the ventilation shafts while Kyle fought his way to the bridge, taking down almost an entire ship full of clone troopers in the process. When he arrived at the command bridge, he saw his commander and confronted him, saddened by the turn of his clone friend.

Kyle and Zackar then cleared the Collaborator of the last of Kyle's clone forces, disabled the tracking beacon and then diverted his course to the barren snow world of Hoth.

Great Jedi Purge and beyond (19 BBY5 BBY)[]

Kyle and Zackar received a coded retreat signal, commanding them to return to Coruscant but fearing a trap, Kyle stayed away. When they allowed the Collaborator to be buried in the snow, they received another code warning them to stay away from the Jedi Temple and to go into hiding. Kyle realised at this point that there were still Jedi alive, but wondered how many. He toyed with exploring but decided to remain in hiding for a while, often venturing out in his starfighter to explore nearby systems. Kyle landed on the Third Moon of Vassek where he made a home of General Grievous' castle, launching up his base of operations with the aid of Zackar. Due to the loss of the Jedi Council, Kyle submitted Zackar to his own version of the Jedi trials and upon his completion, knighted him personally. Kyle learnt of his brother's death on Mygeeto alongside Ki-Adi-Mundi, as he managed to read a holonet report. He also learnt of a bounty on Yoda's head, giving them hope that Yoda was still alive, disappointed in the death of Mace Windu at Sidious' hands.

Kyle yearned to learn of his friend Obi-Wan Kenobi's fate but was unable to draw any conclusions and so remained in exile on the darkened Vassek, going on missions from time to time to try and enforce the Jedi way of trying to keep the peace and justice in the galaxy.

Rebellion at Kamino 18 BBY[]

Kyle Ledar ventured to Tipoca City in Kamino to try and sway the Kaminoan Prime Minister to aid them, to his relief he learnt that Lama Su was in fact loathsome of the newly self-appointed Emperor Palpatine and agreed to rally a rebellion of clones to strike the Empire.

Kyle returned several years later and saw Tipoca City in ruins, his plan foiled and the future hopeless, he returned to Vassek and remained in the castle.

Confrontation with Darth Vader 12 BBY[]

Some time later, Kyle's peaceful exile with Zackar was interrupted by the arrival of Imperial scouts, scanning the area. Zackar was forced to subdue the scouts, thus alerting their presence to the empire. Aware of what was happening, Kyle hid in his new control room and awaited the arrival of the imperial forces. Having spent years rigging up defences for the fortress, the Stormtroopers stood little chance against the two Jedi and the fortress. When it seemed they would be victorious, Kyle sensed the arrival of Darth Vader and instructed his former apprentice to continue engaging the Stormtroopers while he met with Vader personally. When he confronted Vader, he learnt that he was Anakin Skywalker, a distraction that almost cost the Jedi Master his life. Kyle managed to hold his own against Vader, having improved his own lightsaber techniques during the years of darkness spent in Vassek. Zackar managed to fly his own starfighter around the cliffside and Kyle's astromech brought Kyle's ship to him just before he finished Vader, having defeated him. However, Zackar pulled his master away as they were to be doomed by an approaching Imperial Star Destroyer.

