Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

The content of this article has been cut.

This article covers a subject that was cut from the final version of a fan series and appears in no other source. Cut content is not always part of fan canon and thus should not be taken as such.

He shares my enthusiasm for justice to those who oppose the Republic."
"Hopefully not. He interrogates some prisoners to death.

Tarisian and Raymus Drewton[src]

Kyle Krenis was a Republic Peace Keeper, and later, a Commander in the Clone Army of the Republic.


Skirmishes with the Nockudumey (22 BBY)[]

There is no escape. The Republic shall be consumed by terror. In a miunte you shall be relieved of your existance!
Bodotor Thuvat[src]

Around the time of 22 BBY, Kyle Krenis became a Republic Peace Keeper, and befriended Burt Drewton, who also joined the organization. Early in Kyle's career, a new threat appeared: a terrorist organization called the Nockudumey.[1]


Notes and references[]
