Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Get out of there! Get into the city! Just get ready the Hutt's are coming!
—Kyle Frixan to Darth Xeldath during the Ambush outside Hijan City

Kyle Frixan is a mercenary that was born years before the events of The Lepi Revolution. He was hired on Nar Shaddaa by Darth Xeldath in 3,976 BBY to fight in the revolution. He first participated int the Ambush outside Hijan City alongside Darth Xeldath near the end of the second year of the revolution.



Although most of his childhood is unknown, it is known that he was born about 15 years before The Lepi Revolution. Before going to Coachelle Prime to fight along the Lepi Revolutionists Darth Xeldath hired him and an army of mercenaries to help fight. He fought solo or along with Xeldath during the second half of The Lepi Revolution.

The Lepi Revolution[]

Kyle Frixan arrived to Coachelle Prime in 3,976 BBY and first participating in the Ambush outside Hijan City alongside Xeldath. He mostly fought in the third and fourth years of the revolution fighting in battle such as the Ambush outside Hijan City, the 2nd battle over Coachelle Prime, the Capture of Rep'na military city, and the Ambush at Rinle'n.
