Chindal: “I shall. He concludes by wishing swift and remorseless desolation upon your enemies, but peace upon peace for the people of the Golden Empire.”
―Rin Sakaros sends Chindal to confer with Kweerikirr
Kweerikirr KOD was a P'w'eck politician in the P'w'eck Confederation. By 142 ABY he had been elected Crees'tuf of the Confederation and was active in pursuing the remnants of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. Kweerikirr personally negotiated an alliance with Queen Rin Sakaros of the Golden Empire, forging cooperation between the two powers and bringing the Confederation to the aid of the Empire to repulse the Ssi-ruuvi Incursion. As a gesture of friendship, Rin made Kweerikirr a Knight of the Order of Distinction; the P'w'eck returned the gesture by giving her the sobriquet "Friend of P'w'ecks".
By 149 ABY, Kweerikirr was still Cress'tuf. Preparing to destroy Kizav during the Nightmare War, Rin sent Chindal to Kweerikirr to inform the P'w'ecks of her plan and ensure no Confederation fleets or colony worlds would be endangered by the resulting supernova.