Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Kussam Bnodd was a male Gand Jedi Master during the New Sith Wars. A Jedi Guardian, by 1,391 BBY he sat on the Jedi High Council. Most of his fellow Council members considered him a militarist, and his outspoken views often drew the ire of Jedi Consulars on the Council.


Bnodd emerged as a strong supporter of the Pantoran Jedi Tirien Kal-Di, calling for Kal-Di's knighting in 1,391 and considering him one of the Order's greatest Knights two years later.

When Supreme Chancellor Phnyong was assassinated, Bnodd was among the Jedi Generals who commanded fronts against the Sith. Though he was expected, he was unable to respond to the Second Battle of Taanab in time to prevent Darth Saleej from defeating Admiral Zuuli Ok-Majan and conquering Taanab. When Bekli and Elmir killed Darth Vandak on Gyndine, Bnodd journeyed there to knight both Padawans.

Bnodd's Sixth Republic Expeditionary Fleet engaged in a harassment campaign against Trayvin Osydro and Vedya Gasald. He was unable to reach and reinforce Milagro during Mali Darakhan's liberation, but he successfully delayed Imperial reinforcements. After the Battle of Eriadu, he was a vocal advocate of a major military response; when the Council decided otherwise, a group of Jedi led by Tirien Kal-Di led an assassination mission against Gasald anyway. Apprised of the mission by Tirien, ostensibly in the name of disclosing his actions to the Council, Bnodd chose to attack Allanteen to distract the Empire from the Jedi mission. To his own surprise, he wound up leading the Battle of Allanteen and successfully forcing the Empire into retreat.

In the wake of Allanteen, Bnodd devoted himself to hunting down and defeating Darshkére, Gasald's successor, before he could entrench himself in the southeast and rebuild. Bnodd hunted Darshkere for the remainder of the year, winning engagements at Linuri and Ando, but he was deceived into launching an attack on Darshkére at the Battle of Llanic. Understanding that the battle was lost, Bnodd thanked his crew for their service, asked their pardon for any way he had failed them, and authorized Captain Tetri Oraldos to surrender after he died. Darshkére boarded Bnodd's flagship, the Visions of Temalir, and the two fought a destructive lightsaber duel before Darshkére finally killed the Gand Jedi.

Powers and Abilities[]

Bnodd was a master of Form IV, which he used to both compensate for his smaller stature and channel his natural battle ferocity. He was sufficiently skillful to test even Darshkére, himself a master duelist, though Darshkére prevailed over him.

Bnodd was also considered a Republic military luminary on par with his colleagues Elata Cazars and Gavhys Narfulk, and employed not only tactical and operational excellence, but also strategic deception and intelligence work.

Appearance and Personality[]

Kussam Bnodd had a brownish-green exoskeleton. A "Breather Gand", he stood approximately 1.50 meters tall, and wore a rebreather when not on Gand or in a specialized ammonia chamber in the Jedi Temple or on the Visions of Temalir. Unlike many Jedi, he did not eschew wearing armor, and carried a blue-bladed lightsaber.

Unlike many Gand, Bnodd was outspoken, bellicose, and tended to raise his voice when he wished to emphasize a point. He used first-person pronouns, though it was unknown whether this owed to his substantial accomplishments as a Jedi or being raised away from his native culture. Though he advocated for more Jedi Guardians on the High Council, he supported any Jedi willing to take the fight to the Sith, and was thus a patron of Mali Darakhan, Slejux Nissatak. and Tirien Kal-Di. He and Elata Cazars were good friends and had enormous professional respect for one another.

