Star Wars Fanon

Kurva Allomad was a Human female ace TIE fighter pilot from the planet Arkanis that served as an accomplished naval officer within the First Order, commanding an elite division from its Special Forces as the Squadron Leader assigned to Manticore Squadron, flying under the callsign "Manticore Leader". Born directly into the First Order — a fascist military junta founded from holdout remnants of the Galactic Empire — as the child of Imperial veterans that had refused to abandon their allegiance to the New Order, fleeing instead to join its burgeoning successor that had regathered on the galactic frontier, Kurva was the granddaughter of the infamous self-proclaimed Grand Moff Valco Pandion, who had emerged as one of the viable leaders of the Empire after its defeat at Endor, but perished after attending an emergency summit on Akiva. Born and raised on Arkanis twenty years before its departure from the New Republic during the public formation of the First Order, Allmond was brought up inside its tenants as a genuine believer of the concept of bringing stability to a galaxy that was disorganized without a government that had the structure to bypass bureaucracy. To this end, she fought for the military junta when its forces emerged to seize power after the Hosnian Cataclysm, during which was assigned to a division of its navy commanded by Grand Admiral Rayla Sloane.

After the Battle of Exegol marked the downfall of the First Order, Kurva Allomad maintained her allegiance to its ideology and remained faithful to the naval forces that Rayla Sloane commanded, which had evolved into a holdout faction that gradually retreated into Wild Space with the intention of rebuilding themselves into an intergalactic society free of the influences of Force users. Despite its previous war with the Resistance, this remnant would ultimately come together with their enemies in a temporary alliance formed out of their mutual opposition to Control, a rogue artificial intelligence that posed a danger a threat of the existence of all sentient life. Arriving to the battle between starships from the Resistance navy and a fleet that Control had assimilated from Section 31 to bring reinforcements to their unexpected allies, Squadron Leader Kurva Allomad subsequently led Manticore Squadron in bringing support to the complement of starfighters assigned to defending Commander Ciena Ree as she led the Lothal-class Exploration Cruiser Adventurer into a wormhole leading far into the future. Exchanging words with the startled individuals that piloted the motley assortment of fighter crafts, Kurva proceeded to protect Ree from attack by the Control fleet and henceforth watched as she and Adventurer disappeared into the future, never to be seen by her generation again. Following the Battle of Xahea, Kurva and her comrades subsequently departed without further conflict, retreating to form their neo-Imperial faction, which would eventually reorganize itself into the Imperial Remnant, a regime that the Allomad family continued to serve.
