Star Wars Fanon

"Kriffkutter" censored version released later.

"Kriffkutter" was a raunchy and vulgar song by Exlis Prime that released in late 37 ABY and was featured on the album Tritium Jackpot. The single was so outrageous that it sported sexual content on its cover, and was pulled from shelves until the band was forced to either replace the cover with a less controversial one or lose the placement of their single altogether. The band refused to change the cover, and the singles were pulled. However the band toured twice as much to advertise Tritium Jackpot.

Defined by the band, a "kriffkutter" was a being that specialized in making others' lives a living chaos. These also included anyone who made more credits than were supposed to, and the song has a target for company executives and bankers that make the rich richer and the poor poorer.


Crazy... crazy... crazy...grrr!
Crazy banthafrackers, get up and kark somebody up!!!

(riff interlude)

They're all crazy, just as lazy
And they don't care for noone
Absolutely, milking hooly
Nothing to lose, they kark with your stuff
But we came to take back
What was taken from us, taken from us!

Kriff! Kriffkutter! You've frotzed up and its time to pay!
Kriff! Haja kriffkutters! We'll tear down the wall tonight!
Kriff, kriffkutter, there's no escape for you
Kriff, fracking kriffkutters, you're all gonna die!

Luna-weed eaters, crinked out beaters
Felek dwarfnuts and flaming pieces of flarg
Schuttas showing off their stuff
Feasting on flesh like skroggin' barves
Slimesuckers playin' with their yum-yums
And those piffers are sloping their choobies
We can't take none of that spast!
We gotta take the banthakriffers down!

Kriff! Kriffkutter! You've frotzed up and its time to pay!
Kriff! Haja kriffkutters! We'll tear down the wall tonight!
Kriff, kriffkutter, there's no escape for you
Kriff, fracking kriffkutters, you're all gonna die!!!

There's no more room, you've run out, you've run out!!!
Crazy... Crazy... Crazy... Crazy... Crazy... Crazy... CRAZY!!!
Crazy kriffkuttahs!!!

Exlis Prime

Jasper Jummmand - Kyad Kyod - Slayton "Slappy" Maus


Studio albums: Loving the Smuggler Life | Tritium Jackpot | Organic Squeal | Shyriiwook City
Singles: "Greedo Got Fried" | "The Ballad of Boba Fett" | "Something Smells Funny" | "Kriffkutter" | "Organic Squeal" | "My Name is Darth" | "Naboobies" | "IHABFAT" | "Shyriiwook City" | "Bald Headed Girls"


Wild Space Gets Wild tour | Plunging in Deep Core tour | Third Edition tour (reunion)
