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There is no honor in hunting helpless prey.

Kreshk was a male Trandoshan bounty hunter.


Personality and traits[]

I was lied to. I was promised honor and glory in battle, and rich booty besides. I should've known it was too good to be true. Instead, we terrorized the weak and helpless, slapped them in irons and sold them off at the slave markets. You think there's honor in brutalizing someone who can't fight back? Is there honor in ripping a family apart, selling them off one by one? Pfah. By then, what little honor I had earned for myself was gone, so what was betrayal? Nothing. A few pounds of pressure squeezing a trigger. I killed my crew, let the slaves go. Cold comfort by then. What I lost can't be regained. But at least I can still die a warrior's death.
—Kreshk talking about his past

A surly individual, Kreshk was a Trandoshan of few words.

Physical description[]

As a Trandoshan, Kreshk cut an intimidating figure. He towered over most other sentients, standing at a height of 2.1 meters tall. He was large and burly, his scaled hide rippling with muscle. His body was covered in smooth, thick scales that were green in color. His limbs were tipped with powerful, sharp claws and his wide mouth was lined with razor-sharp fangs. There were a few short, stubby spikes jutting back from his head. Kreshk's eyes were yellow in color, with razor-thin slit pupils; however, due to an injury, the right eye was totally blind and milky white in color. Said injury difigured the right side of his head and face, leaving a gruesome scar.

Skills and abilities[]


Due to his profession as a bounty hunter, Kreshk relied on a vertiable armory: his primary weapon was a powerful blaster sniper rife and he relied on a shotgun and a heavy blaster pistol for backups.


Behind the scenes[]
