The Kreesha were an long unknown species in the galaxy. They were first seen in the year 120 ABY by Uzraah Misary, the Emperor of the Rising Dawn. The Kreesha had a special type of architecture, using weak metal, such as tin, to build houses. The planet which they lived on had a natural shield against solar blasts and radiation. The Kreesha language was formed in 2 billion years of evolving, along with the Kreesha.
There is not much known about the Kreesha, before the first encounter with Uzraah Misary. In certain historic writings, however, Hoeku found evidence that the Kreesha had a religion, mutations in genes, and an early culture and language.
The Kreesha people mostly believed in a 'maker of the universe', since they remember everything from their earliest form of life. Thus, they also remember their birth, and time in the bosom of a Kreesha woman. They all say, when you ask them about that time, that they remember seeing a god-like figure, who created them, and placed them into a woman.
The birth, as they all say, was very pleasant for them. Seeing bright light, and seeing their father and mother whom they loved from their earliest moments of life. Certain force-sensitive Kreesha also say they saw the Force itself surrounding everything when they had been born. A few moments later, however, they lost this talent.
The Kreesha had no form of church or synagogue, nor a mosque. Families had a meeting every week, and in that meeting they praised their 'maker'. The Kreesha do have a form of written commandments of life from their 'maker'. Which they called The Ocron. This book contained commandments, stories, and writings of prophets. The Kreesha religion was called Ocronism, after the Ocron appeared. The Kreesha believe the Ocron was a gift from the 'maker' to give them a way of life. The Ocron was fully written in Kreesha, and no-one other than the Kreesha could read it.