Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Krayt destroyer

A Krayt-class Capital Ship

The Krayt-class capital ship was the most powerful Sith Capital Ship in existence during the Sith Crusade, and served during the Successors War; gaining a reputation during the Battle of Yavin.

Originally based upon the design of the Aggressor-class destroyer. It was later renamed during the Successors War by Darth Krayt, who named it after himself.

By the year 160 ABY many Krayt-class Capital Ships had come into the possession of the Octom Coalition.

Decreton Shipyards warships
NX-03 Space/Terrain Mark INX-03 Space/Terrain Mark IINX-03 Space/Terrain Mark IIINX-03 Space/Terrain Mark IV
Supply/troop carriers:
NX-04 Galactica-class troop carrierNX-04 Pegasus-class supplies carrierNX-04 Valkyrie-class troop carrier
Capital ships:
Privateer-class corvette Krayt-class capital shipNX-05 Venator II-class Star Destroyer
Star Destroyers:
Decreto-class Super Star Destroyer Hammer-class Star DestroyerUltima-class Super Star Destroyer
NX-01 Planetary deployment-DestroyerNX-02 Planetary bombardment-DestroyerAvenger-class battlestation
Avenger II-class battlestation