Star Wars Fanon

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on fanonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

New Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era
They're heretics, nothing more.
—Darth Wyyrlok on Krayt's Sith Order

Krayt's Sith Order, also known as the heretic Sith to members of the Sith Order of Decreto, was a relatively small group of Sith headquartered on the planet Korriban in the years between 25 ABY and 63 ABY.


Yuuzhan Vong War[]

Krayt's Sith Order sprung up in 25 ABY, when A'Sharad Hett, who saw the destruction of the Yuuzhan Vong War realized that the Yuuzhan Vong could only be defeated by an Order such as the Sith, which he had spent his entire life previously, fighting. Adopting the Sith ways, Krayt surrounded himself with a core group of followers who quickly set to work disrupting Yuuzhan Vong supply lines and military units.

The organization grew so rapidly that by 27 ABY, the Sith Order had cells on numerous worlds galaxy wide, and could even survive the capture of its Master by the Yuuzhan Vong. Following Krayt's escape, the Sith Lord continued his war against the captors, and was eventually rewarded with victory.

Seclusion and the Second Galactic Civil War[]

Following their victory, Krayt took his Sith followers into a tenure of seclusion. Keeping out of galactic affairs, several of Krayt's followers, such as Lomi Plo and Welk left the Order, but kept its secret. It was only by chance coincidence that the Order was discovered by another follower of the Sith ways – Lumiya. Together they made an alliance, which, though blatant bribery, Krayt accepted.

Krayt's exact actions during this alliance remained a mystery for many years after his death, as hardly any of those Sith who followed him in his early days survived the Sith Crusade. However, during this time, Krayt's past began to catch up on him.

Darth Krayt began to become overwhelmed by his Yuuzhan Vong biology. As his body aged, he found it more and more difficult to battle the Yuuzhan Vong shaping that was overrunning his body. Krayt turned to all sorts of answers, but none satisfied him, and he began to believe that his death was closing. Determined to live, Krayt suspended himself in a carbonite crypt, and gave his followers orders to awake him only in times of great need. But even this did not free Krayt totally from the Yuuzhan Vong, for he still dreamed.


Krayt remained in suspended animation for many years until he was eventually awoke by a Sith he did not recognize. The Chagrian told Krayt that his Sith Order had been "absorbed" into a greater order, known as the Sith Order of Decreto; and that its Dark Lord sought the assistance of Krayt.

Introducing himself as Darth Wyyrlok, the Chagrian filled Krayt in on the history of the galaxy during his time in carbonite, and how the Sith had returned to the galaxy to wage war. Wyyrlok told Krayt that his master, Lord Abeonis had been searching for Krayt for many years, and now that he had been found, Abeonis wished an alliance with the former Dark Lord.


Dark Lords[]

Sith Lords[]

Sith apprentices[]


Krayt's Sith Order was notable for the fact that it had little of what could be called an infrastructure. The organization was centered on Korriban, with numerous cells on other worlds, all answering directly to Korriban.

The survival of the organization depended on each cells ability to work independently, often in months of seclusion. Each cell worked in a set sector of space, never spreading outwards unless ordered too.
