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Rebellion era

The Kraa Butha Supply Run was a battle that took place during the Galactic Civil War. It occurred when Rebel Group MT50 raided a supply depot on Kraa Butha and was met by resistance from the Imperial E184-B Stormtrooper Company.

The battle[]

Rebel Group MT50 was organized under Soflas Pulviir and sent to Kraa Butha to obtain supplies from a lightly defended depot. They landed their transport in the middle of the base and took the defenders by surprise. This was the unit's first battle and, as they were moving supplies to the transport, B Company of the E184th Stormtroopers arrived to reinforce Company R of the E106th Logistics Division. The Rebels had managed to take the supply depot from its defenders without losing a single soldier but when the E184th arrived the stormtroopers rushed the base, taking only two casaulties in their bold charge. As they entered the base, the Pliper Xorgzimmur Thraloftish presented the largest target, and he was the first of the Rebels to be shot. Quickly overrun by the stormtroopers, Rebel Group MT50 was routed and they fled to their transport and escaped.

The stormtroopers managed to isolate and capture several soldiers. As the transport lifted off, Tie Fighters attempted to intercept it. However, the Rebels had sent two R-41 Starchasers, piloted by Captain Bry Veldiun and Lieutenant Ihri Meswalaal, to protect the transport and they engaged the Ties. Veldiun was shot down but not before destroying two Ties, piloted by Tia Tian and Dash Mook, and causing enough confusion for the transport to escape. Meswalaal, for his part, destroyed a Tie Fighter piloted by Gorund Lefiett before escaping into hyperspace. Although the Rebels managed to acquire some supplies, the mission was considered a failure.
