Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon


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Kraa Butha was originally an Oxoorian colony but was later a Devaronian world. It was near Thule.


In 14,104 BBY, the planet was colonized by a sleeper ship from Oxoor. It was the most successful Oxoorian colony in its time but it was eventually wiped out by the Sith. In 1,358 BBY, colonists arrived from Devaron and resettled the planet. It sided with the Separatists and saw one skirmish early in the Clone Wars and was conquered by the Empire in 7 BBYRebel Group MT50 attacked a heavily guarded Imperial supply depot on the planet for its first mission.

Legends Timeline[]

The New Republic captured the planet in 18 ABY using a small strike force lead by Sant Chun, who was assassinated by 3X-AK2R during the battle.
