Koyi Mateil was the wife of Duke Teta and Beldorion, and the slave of Inqua's temporary king, King Vashee, who was assigned the King of Inqua for only a week.
Wife of Duke Teta[]
Koyi Mateil was the wife of Duke Teta during the Clone Wars. While he married her for her looks, she married him hoping to inherit his fortune when he died. But when he died she moved to Inqua to spend a thousandth of his fortune.
A temporary king's slave[]
When Koyi had moved to Inqua, the temporary king had had the Twi'lek kidnapped. So for another week she spent dancing, feeding, and doing everything for him. But all that had changed, when the former queen's, Queen Bree, replacement had arrived. When the new queen had arrived in the Throne Room, she found the King with a slave, for it was illegal to own slaves on Inqua. So she had Vashee arrested, and let Vida go. But she ended up on the planet Felucia.
A Hutt's wife[]
When Mateil arrived on Felucia, she had run into the former Huttese Jedi Master Beldorion. He was the only Hutt to become a Jedi. But something about him had appealed to her. So they got married two months later. But when Leia Organa had come to their home, Beldorion and Leia engaged in a fire fight. But Leia ended up shooting him in the heart. Thinking that he was dead, Leia left. But Koyi had saw what had happened and had helped the Hutt to the nearest medical center. There, Beldorion was healed and the two went on with their lives.