Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Who else could run this craphole planet?
— Konried Delton on his job

Konried Delton was a human male bounty hunter who chose to switch careers and become the president of Bakal Vrata instead. Openly corrupt, he answered to a council of crime syndicates and used his office to ensure that their operations would not be interrupted or disturbed. While he was successful in this role, his position and relationship with those syndicates bought him into conflict with the Sith Empire and, eventually, cost him his life.


Early Life and Bounty Hunting Career[]

Konreid Delton was born sometime around 3,700 BBY on a frontier world, somewhere in the outer rim. A product of his environment, he learned at an early age to “think fast and shoot first” (as he put it), honing his skills against the dangerous wildlife of his homeworld. These traits would serve him well, Konreid learning tracking skills and developing an excellent aim, as well as knowledge of a wide variety of weapons. By the time he was in his early 20s, he was considered one of the best hunters on the world.

However, Konreid decided that he was destined for bigger things. As soon as he was rich enough, he left his homeworld, setting out into the greater Galaxy to find his fortune. Wisely he chose to put those skills that he had learned to good use, becoming a professional Bounty Hunter. Within a few years, he had built up a fearsome reputation for never letting a target escape. His reputation was further cemented when he won the Great Hunt, despite being considered an underdog against more favoured Mandalorian competitors. His personal ship, the Keith B'dana as well as his customized armour, became sights to be feared.

He also built up a reputation as being a womanizer, a gambler and a heavy drinker, indulging himself between hunts and often while on the job. While he claimed to be able to control these vices, there were more then a few who became convinced that he was losing control. There were more then a few Bounty Hunters who wanted to see him fall, Mandalorians especially, and sought a weakness that they could exploit.

Decline and rebirth[]

That weapon was handed to Konreid’s enemies when he took up a bounty that lead him to the world of Bakal Vrata. Already seen as a haven for criminals where every vice was readily available by that point, Konreid took an instant liking to the world and set up residence in its Merctown enclave. While still acting as a bounty hunter and mercenary, he was spending more and more of his time and his earnings indulging himself with liquor, women and, allegedly, other harder vices. Those around him only encouraged him to further excesses, regardless of the potential consequences.

Those consequences, however, quickly caught up with him. Clearly an alcoholic, his performance suffered as his once-fearsome skills eroded, replaced with a seemingly permanent drunken stupor. Contracts and bounties dried up as he was viewed as more of a liability to a potential employer, while his success rate at bringing back his targets plummeted. Soon he was heavily in debt, with the crime syndicates that controlled the world looking to take whatever they could. After selling both his ship and his armour, Konreid wound up penniless, living in a run-down apartment in a corner of Bobotown.

It was here, ironically, that his political career was born. The crime syndicates were looking for a new head of state to act as their figurehead, while also looking for a way to legitimize themselves in the eyes of the public after a round of violent protests against their stranglehold on the planet. Bingo Bobo, the local head of the Bobo Crime Syndicate offered Konreid Delton as a potential solution to their needs, citing his rough charisma (when sober) and reputation for playing hard.

Recruiting Konreid and convincing him to serve their purpose wasn’t hard; given the incentives of an effectively unlimited expense account, a plush home in Loren City and the syndicates’ blessing to indulge his tastes, he readily agreed to their terms. After sobering up to a degree and being cleaned up, he was appointed as the new president of Bakal Vrata.

Political career[]

Konreid Delton was appointed as a figurehead with little actual power; certainly the syndicates saw him as being as good a choice as any available to them. However, against all expectation, Konreid came to enjoy the office, and not just for the perks (Although the steady stream of prostitutes sent to his office didn’t hurt matters). Eager to make his mark, Konreid conducted an extensive public relations campaign to spread is image and make himself known – no mean feat, given that much of the planet’s population didn’t know, or care, who the president was.

His campaign was based around the premise of making the planet’s population actually feel good about themselves, rather then being downtrodden masses who were at the mercy of criminal syndicates. Even if much of it was putting a positive spin on the planet’s problems (for example, suggesting that the planet’s murder rate would drop if people simply didn’t report them), the result was a generally positive image. To further reinforce his image, he would endorse the planet’s gambling and sex trade industries, giving a sort of rough charm to help sell them.

In private, he began to use his popularity to engage in his own projects that were not entirely approved by the syndicates. One of these was the build-up of the planetary military, aiming to create a force that would be entirely under his control that he could possibly even employ against his would-be benefactors. Expanding their numbers and purchasing new equipment, he also ordered the construction of planetary defense batteries to protect against outside threats. However, it was these moves that would result in his downfall.
