Kitpat Arthi was a rebel commando, the husband of Eirtaé Lasara, and later General Sabé Andierre, and the father of rebel pilot Morenjj Lasara by the former. Through his son, he was also the grandfather of weapons dealer Klot Lolé. He was from Naboo.
Naboo militia (46 BBY to 24 BBY)[]
The son of working-class urban inhabitants of Theed, Kitpat entered the militia in 46 BBY at the age of 13, hoping it might somehow lead him to a better life, most likely offworld. It was a very small organization at the time, with little to do, and did not get much respect. This would remain true for the next fourteen years.
The Trade Federation invasion was, perhaps, just the sort of thing the militia had been waiting around for, though initially they were no match for the Federation Battle droids. Kitpat and many of his fellow soldiers eluded capture, however, and formed the backbone of an underground resistance movement. He provided the Queen with aid during her attack on Theed, fighting alongside both of his future wives.
After Naboo was freed again, the militia expanded into a much larger organization, and as a veteran, Kitpat took a position of authority in their shipbuilding project. There he worked closely with royal handmaiden Eirtaé Lasara, and they fell in love. Her ambitions, however, threatened to come between them; she aimed to be elected to the throne, and in the election, he was a liability.
During her campaign in 25 BBY, their relationship was very strained. He grew angry at how she seemed to take for granted that he would automatically be there for her if she lost. Nonetheless, when she did lose, he was indeed there to help her pick up the pieces.
Shipbuilding business (24 BBY to 14 BBY)[]
By this time, Kitpat had gotten an idea of starting a business in the building and selling of spaceships, and with no plans left for her own life after her defeat, Eirtaé took to the idea. The two of them started the venture together early in 24 BBY after leaving governmental service. They also married at this time, and she gave birth to their son, Morenjj Lasara, only a few months later. Kitpat only reluctantly accepted giving the boy her name, and refused to take it himself, as he was not on good terms with her family.
During the Clone Wars, their business flourished, to the point where it put them in danger; they survived an assassination attempt, and fought in both attacks on Naboo. Things dipped slightly after the end of the war, but Eirtaé seemed strangely capable of locating customers. What Kitpat did not realize was that she was secretly selling their wares to the growing resistance movement.
Running refugees with handmaidens (14 BBY to 3 ABY)[]
In 14 BBY, following the arrest of her fellow former handmaiden Motée Sensari, Eirtaé abruptly grew very distant from her husband and son, and finally tricked them into traveling to the far side of the planet and stranded them there for nearly a month. However, when at the end of that month she was arrested and taken away to Coruscant, they realized she had done it to save their lives and give them time to get away from Naboo.
Aware that another handmaiden, Ellé Okrest, had already fled, they left Naboo together looking for her. By the time they found her, word had gotten around to her that all the other former handmaidens had also left Naboo, and they decided to seek them out. In the process, Kitpat taught Ellé, who was already learning about mechanics, about engines. Shortly after the met up with the others, the group commandeered a blockade runner they christened the Padmé Amidala in honor of their late mistress, and Kitpat and Ellé together took charge of the ship's engines.
Kitpat would end up being the member of the crew who stayed with the ship longest; after the Battle of Skyrees the others ended up being promoted or otherwise reassigned. By the Battle of Hoth it fell to him to fly the Amidala off the planet, though he ended up taking former captain Sabé Andierre and an injured Morenjj with him. The three of them would be taken captive by Grand Moff Panaka, who had once been Sabé's mentor, who held them captive, trying to convince Sabé to change sides in exchange for the lives of the other two, until their rescue by former crewmate Yané Carinda. While in captivity, Kitpat and Sabé grew very close, but their differences in rank, which only increased afterward when Sabé was made a general, kept them from taking it as far as they wanted for the following year and a half.
Rebel commando (3 ABY to 4 ABY)[]
While Sabé returned to the fleet, Kitpat and Yané remained out in the field, and Kitpat received training to join the Alliance Special Forces. He was a member of the strike team sent to destroy the shield generator on Endor. He was the only member of the Amidala's old crew who did not participate in the liberation of Naboo shortly after the battle. While Sabé retired to mind the throne of Naboo, Kitpat remained in the Special Forces for the rest of the year, stepping down only when she did.
Old age (5 ABY to 34 ABY)[]
Their work done with Naboo free, Kitpat and Sabé married and retreated to her family's land holdings, where they lived in peace for twenty years. However, in 28 ABY, they were forced to flee Naboo with the rest of the planet's inhabitants in the face of the Yuuzhan Vong. At the age of 77, Kitpat had lost most of his fighting strength, and worked mostly behind the lines. He did, however, participate in the Battle of Chommell in 29 ABY, in which he was badly injured. He never recovered entirely from this; he returned to Naboo after the war an invalid, and died in 34 ABY.