Star Wars Fanon

Kitewings were a species of fish eating reptavians. They were native to Neroth, where they lived on coastal sea cliffs or the rugged jungle mountains.


Kitewings were medium sized creatures, with a wingspan much larger than its body size. They stood at 1.2 Imperial standard meters in height, with a wingspan that measured 5 meters in length. They had two glider-like wings connected to the body via a thin but strong membrane that stretched between their thin arms and legs. Their wings folded when the creatures landed and their arms ended in three delicate clawed fingers. Their legs terminated in tridactyl feet.

Kitewings were covered with feathers that were light grey-white in color, but the wings possessed a black arc at their edges. They had long, narrow jaws that possessed curved, bony ridges at the end of both the upper and lower jaws. Their jaws were a vibrant yellow-orange, with the ridges being black in color. Sharp, pointed fangs filled their jaws, used to snatch and tear into fish. They possessed two small, beady blue colored eyes.

They were gliders, riding the updraft winds for miles and ranged far from their nesting grounds to hunt for fish. Kitewings nested in coastal sea cliffs or in Neroth's mountains, laying eggs high up in rocky hollows. As Neroth was urbanized, they sometimes nested on the tops of the tallest buildings and sometimes descended into urban sprawl to hunt; they were known to occasionally snatch fish from market stalls. At times they were preyed upon by shimmerwings, leading to epic aerial battles between the species.

Behind the scenes[]

Kitewings were inspired by the pterosaur genus Anhanguera, more specifically Anhanguera blittersdorffi.
