Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Kit Fisto was a Nautolan Jedi Master who served on the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars. He trained two Mon Calamari Padawans in his career, Nahdar Vebb and Bant Eerin. Fisto had a romantic relationship with Aayla Secura and was a skilled Jedi who survived encounters with Asajj Ventress and General Grievous during the Clone Wars.


Early life[]

Kit Fisto was born on Glee Anselm and taken to the Jedi Order after being identified as Force sensitive. He was trained by Grand Master Yoda both as a youngling and as a Padawan.

As a young Jedi Knight Fisto took Bant Eerin as his padawan after her first master Tahl was killed. During the decade before the Clone Wars he trained Nahdar Vebb. Ironically both of his Padawans were Mon Calamari though Nahdar was male and Bant was female. During Nahdar's training Kit came up with a unique Force technique called Force Water Orb and with Nahdar's help he perfected the power allowing him to form a ball of air underwater and hurl it at opponents.

Clone Wars[]

Battle of Geonosis[]

Kit and Nahdar were both present in the Petranaki arena on Geonosis when Mace Windu took a Jedi strike team to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Padme Armidala from Count Dooku. Fisto and Nahdar fought bravely but Nahdar was shot by a droideka and presumed dead. Kit was picked up by a clone gunship when Yoda arrived with the new Grand Army of the Republic, and led the new clone troopers into battle. At the end of the battle Nahdar found his way back to his Master having used the Force to heal his wounds.

After the battle of Geonosis Kit believed Nahdar was ready to take the trials and become a Jedi Knight.

Skirmish on Kamino[]


Kit saves Aayla Secura's life on Kamino.

About three weeks after the battle of Geonosis Kit fought in the Battle of Kamino along with Aayla Secura, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Shaak Ti. The battle was being coordinated by Oppo Rancisis who used his mastery of Battle Meditation to help the Republic win the battle.

After the battle Kit remained on the planet with Aayla. One day the Jedi found several dead clone troopers. After examination by the Kaminoan scientists, they concluded that the troopers were infected by a nano-virus. After visiting the master cloner Sayn Ta, they stated that there was a Kaminoan traitor in the facility. Fisto and Secura traced the traitor and faced off against a group of super battle droids, which were given to the traitor by the Separatists.

In the resulting skirmish, Secura was thrown off the platform and dragged down into the water by one of the battle droids. Kit quickly jumped after her and, being amphibious, breathed for the both of them, although it was more than "breathing for both of them" to Aayla and Fisto. Aayla then climbed up the platform and was grabbed by the traitor, with the nano-virus injector pointed to her arm. Aayla saved herself with great timing and pushed the injector into the traitor's own arm. The Kaminoan died instantly.

Fisto's saving of Aayla started a relationship between the two that pushed the limits of the Jedi Code.

Battle of Dac[]

Six weeks following the Battle of Geonosis Kit fought underwater in the Battle of Dac leading a team of clone SCUBA troopers in battle against the Separatist-allied Quarren Isolation League. The fact that Fisto could breathe underwater and his lightsaber could still operate underwater was very useful during the battle and Fisto also displayed his mastery of the Force Water Orb technique using it along with his Shii-Cho mastery to destroy a Quarren crab cannon almost single handedly.

After the battle Fisto returned to Coruscant where he discovered that Aayla Secura had been badly injured in a duel with the new leader of the droid army General Grievous. Kit still had romantic feelings for Aayla and was beside her bed when she woke up, expressing his relief that she was alive with a quick kiss.

Mission on Ord Cestus[]

During the height of the Clone Wars, Fisto became the first to fight and defeat a new type of droid that was given the name "Jedi Killer." These droids were known for their unmatched combat abilities after demonstrating their power on an ARC trooper, designated CT-36/732, and nicknamed Sirty. Accompanying Fisto was Obi-Wan Kenobi, ARC trooper "Nate," four clone troopers, and barrister Doolb Snoil, who was a representative of the Galactic Senate. They traveled to the planet Ord Cestus in order to negotiate an agreement that would sell the "bio-droids" to the Republic; however, the plan soon became to recruit guerrillas to fight in a possible coup against the government. Fisto went by the false name of "Nemonus", a Dark Jedi, to trick the Five Families, whom the Jedi discovered to have complete control over the planet.

Near the end of the mission Kit duelled the Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress. However Ventress quickly proved to be the superior duelist and Kit was wounded on the arm. He was saved from being killed by Obi-Wan who duelled the Dark Jedi himself but would have been killed if the near-unconscious Fisto had not quickly returned the favor.

Shortly after this Kit joined the Jedi Council, replacing the deceased Jedi Master Coleman Trebor.

Mission to Vassek[]

"You might have been a proud warrior once but now you are just a pawn in Dooku's game!"
"I wield great power, Jedi fool!"
"That power will only consume you."
―Kit Fisto and General Grievous

A few months later Kit headed to Vassek to hunt down Separatist Viceroy Nute Gunray who had escaped from Republic custody. On Vassek the Nautolan was reunited with his former Padawan Nahdar Vebb who was now a Jedi Knight. After congratulating Nahdar on passing the trials and appologising that the war had stopped him from seeing his training through to the end, Nahdar used the Force to clear the fog that covered Vassek revealing a morbid looking castle.

The group entered the castle where Gunray was thought to be hiding, however, the lead was a ruse. The beacon led only to a hologram of Gunray laughing derisively. Gunray's image was replaced by that of Count Dooku's, telling them that he would offer them "an alternative prize". They soon realized that they had entered the sanctuary of General Grievous, who happened to be approaching the castle at that very moment. Grievous was caught by surprise when the Jedi and their squad of clones engaged him, and Kit succeeded in slicing off the cyborgs legs before he escaped, killing several clones in the process, and retreated to the control room of his castle, where he directed efforts to eliminate the intruders.

Kit suggested that the team should retreat but Grievous locked them in the castle with lightsaber resistant doors. They lost another clone when the cyborg opened a trap door and the clone fell into a carbonate pit. Shortly afterwards they were forced to fight Grievous' vicious pet Roggwart, Gor. Gor killed Commander Fil, the only remaining clone, but Nahdar sliced off his tail and Kit severed both of the beasts hands before putting it out of its misery with a stab to the neck.

After that the two Jedi hid outside Grievous' control room until the cyborg came out having been fully repaired. Kit used the Force to guide his hands to the slabs of stone on the door in the right order allowing them to enter the control room. Unfortunately Grievous' repair droid EV-A4-D warned his master about the Jedi and Grievous stalked back towards them along with four magnaguards. Kit hurried into the control room and told Nahdar to follow but the Mon Calamari refused turning to fight Grievous and his magnaguards alone.

Kit Fisto vs Grievous

Fisto duels Grievous outside Grievous' castle.

Kit headed to the control room and bisected EV-A4-D before watching Nahdar's final moments against Grievous. When the cyborg cut him down, Kit collapsed in Grievous' chair griefstricken. Then he was contacted by his astromech droid R6-H5 and told the droid to meet him at the south landing platform. Before he left Fisto destroyed Grievous' control panel.

He headed to the landing platform where he was confronted by Grievous. Weilding four lightsabers, including Nahdars, the cyborb attacked but Fisto hid in the fog and sneaked up behind Grievous who whirled around and blocked his blow. Kit told Grievous that he was nothing more than a pawn of Count Dooku which Grievous denied before slashing at him with Nahdars lightsaber. Kit ducked and sliced off the cyborgs hand before weilding Nahdar's lightsaber along with his own in an impressive display of Jar'Kai. Kit almost overpowered Grievous but then three magnaguards arrived and surrounded the Jedi. Fortunately R6 arrived just in time and Kit flipped himself onto his starfighter and flew away leaving the furious Grievous behind.

After returning to Coruscant, Kit was comforted by Aayla Secura and his feelings for her grew stronger.

Personality and traits[]

Kit fisto

Kit Fisto's signature smile.

Kit Fisto was usually a cheerful, good natured Jedi who was famous for smiling widely when things went his way. He was popular among the younglings who considered him to be one of the less "intimidating" Jedi Masters and had a good sense of humour. Fisto was very humble and didn't feel he was skilled enough to get on the Jedi Council though he got a seat eventually anyway. In addition Kit had some doubts about his teaching skills but despite this he was a good teacher, successfully training Nahdar Vebb and Bant Eerin.

Despite his radical combat style, and easy-going nature, Kit was surprisingly conservative on the matter of galactic politics. Fisto was rarely aggressive unless he was in battle, but when one insulted the Jedi Order, he felt he had to stand up for the Order's honour.

Though Kit was dedicated to the Jedi Order he had romantic feelings for the Twi'lek Jedi Aayla Secura and these feelings stayed with him through the Clone Wars. This originated from when he saved her life on Kamino. Kit was worried about Aayla after she was badly injured in a duel with Grievous and Aayla later comforted him about the death of Nahdar Vebb.

Powers and abilities[]


Kit utilising his Force Water Orb power.

Kit Fisto was trained as a Jedi Consular and therefore spent a good deal of time studying the Force. After experimenting with water currents and discovering that by using the Force they could be used for offensive purposes, Kit invented a new Force power which he called "Force Water Orb". This technique consisted of using the Force to manipulate water currents and form them into a ball of air which could be hurled at the opponents. The pressure of the air in the orbs allowed it to smash through mechanical devices such as the Quarren crab cannon on Dac with little effort. However a disadvantage of this power was that it could only be used while underwater.

In addition to inventing a useful new Force power, Fisto was skilled at using the Force to speed up his movements and on Ord Cestus his Force enhanced speed baffled even Obi-Wan Kenobi's experienced gaze.

Master Fisto was also a master of Shii-Cho and his proficiancy with the style earned him a reputation as one of the Jedi Orders finest swordsmen. This style was ideally suited to fighting multiple opponents and therefore he was capable of surviving the battle of Geonosis and countless other battles during the clone wars. Fisto's Shii-Cho mastery allowed him to hold his own against General Grievous on the third moon of Vassek and by combining it with an impressive display of Jar'Kai swordplay, he almost defeated the cyborg before being forced to retreat by Grievous' magnaguards. Shii-Cho's effectiveness against multiple foes, or in this case, multiple weapons, allowed him to effectively counter all of Grievous' lightsabers at once. He was also able to quickly recognise vulnerable body zones, allowing him to slice off both of Grievous' legs and one of his hands. Fisto also had some knowledge of Ataru, combining it with his Shii-Cho mastery in order to gain the advantage over Grievous.

However Fisto was not without his weaknesses. Though he did manage to overcome General Grievous, he was no match for Asajj Ventress. Though a skilled and determined fighter, he was still vulnerable to one of the most notable weaknesses of Shii-Cho; it's ineffectiveness against Makashi practitioners. Ventress quickly recognized Fisto's fighting style and countered it by using Makashi allowing her to quickly defeat the Jedi Master.

Fisto's proficiency in lightsaber combat allowed him to temporarily hold his ground against Darth Sidious but ultimately the flaws of both Shii-Cho and Ataru proved his undoing and he perished when the Sith Lord slashed open his stomach.

Kit was an excellent swimmer and his lightsaber contained two crystals employing a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse that allowed the blade to operate underwater. Because he was a Nautolan Kit had the ability to breathe underwater. In addition he possessed an acute olfactory sense, allowing him to read the emotions of other sentients.
