Star Wars Fanon
This article, Kiliann Resk, was created by HarmonyGrex.
Rise of the Empire era

Kiliann Resk was a Force-sensitive male Zabrak who was a member of the Jedi Order during the twilight years of the Galactic Republic. He trained several Padawans during his lifetime and was famed for his level-headedness, and was killed during the Separatist Crisis while assisting his first apprentice Wupera Kavos on a rescue mission.


Born on Iridonia in 92 BBY, Resk's latent Force potential was recognized early in his life and he was sent to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for training. He proved to be a capable student and advanced quickly, constructing a green-bladed lightsaber as a Padawan which he would go on to use for the rest of his life. After completing the Trials of Knighthood and becoming a Jedi Knight he chose to forego taking an apprentice and instead began accepting far-flung missions from the Jedi High Council in the Outer Rim, becoming famous for his ability to diffuse dangerous situations; although the council did not always agree with his methods, they could not deny his consistent success with his missions.

Eventually, due to an increase in intake numbers Resk was ordered by the High Council to choose an apprentice, and he selected the Balmorran Wupera Kavos as his first Padawan. They got on well due to their similar methodologies - in time Kavos would become famed for her negotiation skills - and developed a strong bond as master and apprentice. After Wupera completed her training and advanced to the rank of Jedi Knight, Resk was elevated to become a Jedi Master. Over the next few decades he trained several more apprentices and became a close friend to J'oopi Shé, a Nikto member of the order's technical division who regularly performed maintenance on his Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor.

In 24 BBY in the wake of the Separatist Crisis, the High Council asked Resk to persuade Kavos (who had left the order in 33 BBY to return to her homeworld) to return to the Jedi so that her negotiation skills could be used to prevent worlds seceding from the Galactic Republic. He traveled to Balmorra and discovered that she was living in a village called Tookin and had taken twin teenagers, Karin and Merek Luus, as unofficial apprentices. After reuniting, Kavos agreed to return to the Jedi provided that she be able to still train her apprentices and that Resk assisted her in rescuing the twins' father Ebrik from the nearby mines. He agreed and he, Kavos and the Luus twins rescued Ebrik, although during a confrontation with an SD-K4 assassin droid who attacked them on the orders of Techno Union executive Zulshi Menn, Resk, Ebrik and Merek were killed by an explosion when a shot from Ebrik's stun blaster accidentally hit a nearby oil barrel.

Behind the Scenes[]

Kiliann was created by HarmonyGrex as a main character and narrator in his short story The Inquisition. His appearance was styled after that of Eeth Koth, who also appears in the story as a member of the High Council.

