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Kiholo Tess was a male Zeltron smuggler and notorious for falling in love with every woman in every spaceport. He joined Rebel Group MT50 of the Alliance to Restore the Republic sometime after escaping Trammen during Operation Triple Doctor.
Born on Kaikielius in 29 BBY, Tress left the planet to work aboard a smuggling vessel after surviving the Clone Wars. Although not even a teenager at the time, he quickly fell in love with the ship's captain, Azelle Sero, and she quickly abandoned him on Glade. He eventually found work aboard another smuggling vessel and, by the age of twenty, obtained his own ship which he called, the Heart of a Lover. In 1 BBY, while he was smuggling fossils onto Trerred in the Trammen system, he was captured by the Galactic Empire and thrown into prison. When Rebel Group MT50 broke into the prison to rescue Dr. Zarein and Dr. Gimble, Kiholo naturally left the planet with them. He intended to search for his ship but he fell in love with Akami Selderron, a member of Rebel Group MT50 and decided he needed to join the Rebellion to prove his love to her. She continually rejected his advances, even after he saved her life in a battle on Grolgyt. He also fell in love with a woman named Jorlsey Northcall. He persuaded her and Winda Zeyre, Cemerre Arkuno, and Froswyn Pikkldorf to go camping with him on Zorbia II and, as an afterthought, invited his new and only friend Owen Codric to come along. They were ambushed by Imperials and Tress, Northcall, Zeyre, Arkuna, and Pikkledorf were killed but Codric managed to avenge his new friends before he died.