Ki-Adi-Mundi was a Cerean Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi Council. Unlike most Jedi, Mundi was given permission to marry so that he could adhere to Cerean polygamous customs to accommodate for the species' low birthrate. Master Mundi was a skillful Jedi Master who fought valiantly in the Clone Wars.
Early life[]
Born on Cerea, Ki-Adi-Mundi was discovered at the age of four and brought to the Jedi Temple. Though four was generally considered too old to join the Order the Jedi Council accepted the Cerean into the Jedi ranks. He was trained by Grand Master Yoda both as a youngling and as a Padawan
After becoming a Jedi Knight Mundi returned to his homeworld of Cerea to liberate his people from Bin-Garda-Zon and his raiders, making good on a promise he had made to his father before leaving. However, he had learned that during his absence, Bin had grown old and blind and his daughter had taken over. Mundi was imprisoned and met with the old Bin, who had overheard everything and was prepared to slit his neck for such insolence. Mundi was able to fight his way out, defeating Bin's daughter and declared that the raiders disband. However, Bin attempted one last strike to regain leadership by throwing a knife at Mundi but he simply deflected it with the Force.
As Jedi Watchman of the sector to which his homeworld belonged, Ki-Adi-Mundi was responsible for the defense of Cerea and its simple, austere and pacifistic way of life. He was the only known Jedi to be allowed to marry. He had married one bond wife and seven honor wives.
Along with much of the older generation of Cereans, Ki-Adi-Mundi did not believe in the heavy use of technology, unlike the younger generation. When conflict broke out on Cerea, Ki-Adi-Mundi's daughter, Sylvn, was found to be involved with Maj-Odo-Nomor, which led to Ki-Adi-Mundi's personal entrance into the conflict. He was asked by the Council of Elders to track down the Band of Techrats, which led to his discovery of the smuggling ring led by Jabba the Hutt and Ephant Mon. Following the gangsters to Tatooine, Ki-Adi-Mundi rescued Sylvn and her friend Twin from the Hutt's clutches, but an ion storm allowed the criminals to escape and Mundi ended his search. While on Tatooine, Ki-Adi-Mundi felt a disturbance in the Force but did not search for it. Ki-Adi-Mundi would later believe that the disturbance had been Anakin Skywalker.
Jedi Master[]
After his mission to Tatooine, Ki-Adi-Mundi learned that his wife Shea was with child and that he was nominated for a permanent Jedi Council seat as a result of Micah Giiett's death. Ki-Adi-Mundi was soon officially granted the rank of Jedi Master, even without having successfully trained an apprentice. Ki-Adi-Mundi was overwhelmed by the act of the Council and with modesty he continued to consider himself a "mere" Jedi Knight. This changed when he later trained A'Sharad Hett, completing his own requirements for assuming the title of Master.
Ki-Adi-Mundi was present when the Jedi Council received a report from Qui-Gon Jinn about the existence of the Sith and the possible existence of the Chosen One. He was also present at the funeral for Qui-Gon Jinn on Naboo, and the victory celebration that followed it.
Following the Invasion of Naboo, Ki-Adi-Mundi again traveled to Tatooine, where he confirmed that a mysterious Tusken Raider chieftain was actually Sharad Hett. Ki-Adi-Mundi tried to convince Hett to return to Coruscant, but Hett refused, saying his place was with his people on Tatooine. When Hett was killed by Aurra Sing, Ki-Adi-Mundi took Hett's son A'Sharad as his Padawan.
Clone Wars[]
Battle of Geonosis[]
The hour of battle has arrived!
Along with 214 other Jedi, Ki-Adi-Mundi fought in the battle of Geonosis, fighting numerous droids and Geonosians in the stands along with Plo Koon. Ki-Adi managed to survive but was marched into the middle of the arena by droids where the Jedi awaited death.
Fortunately Master Yoda and the new Grand Army of the Republic arrived to rescue the Jedi. Ki-Adi got safely into a ship and was lifted out of the arena. He led the Clones into the battle outside the arena.
Training Anakin[]
For a brief time during the wars, Ki-Adi-Mundi took over as Anakin Skywalker's master when Obi-Wan Kenobi was presumed dead after the Battle of Jabiim. When Obi-Wan was later found to have survived, Ki-Adi-Mundi returned Anakin to his Master, happy to be relieved of such a difficult and headstrong student.
Secret grieving[]
Ki-Adi-Mundi's duties as a General of the Grand Army of the Republic meant he was unable to go to the assistance of his own world, Cerea, when it was attacked. In the ensuing Battle of Cerea, Ki-Adi-Mundi's entire family—wives and daughters—all were killed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Keeping the Jedi Code in mind, he grieved privately, but then returned to his duties.
Battle of Hypori[]
Our predicament is dire but do not dispair. Focus! We are Jedi!
—Ki-Adi-Mundi encourages his companions to not lose hope
Ki-Adi-Mundi fought during the battle of Hypori where General Grievous made his first public appearance. The strike force, consisting of Mundi, Aayla Secura, Daakman Barrek, Sha'a Gi, Adi Gallia, Ahsoka Tano and K'Kruhk and an army of clones, was dispatched based on intelligence gathered by Master Barrek and his apprentice that indicated the presence of a large droid factory on the planet. The mission was doomed from the beginning; as soon as the Republic assault ships exited hyperspace, orbital mines surrounding the planet decimated the cruisers, causing them to crash land behind enemy lines. All the clones were killed in the ensuing battle leaving the Jedi alone in enemy territory. Master Gallia was separated from the others and managed to call for help before being slain by General Grievous.
Mundi tried to keep the other Jedi's courage up but Sha'a Gi was on the verge of panicking. Then Gi's fear overcame him and he rushed into the open. Mundi tried to stop him but was too late and the Padawan was crushed by Grievous. Mundi and the other Jedi fought the cyborg who wielded four lightsabers at once as they duelled. Mundi leapt onto a pipe and tried to crush Grievous with a Force Push but the cyborg swiftly avoided it before launching himself back towards the Jedi. He killed Barrek, shattered Tano's leg, and appeared to kill K'Kruhk before Mundi and Secura momentarily drove him onto the defensive. Grievous defeated Secura and turned towards Mundi, the last Jedi standing.
Tano threw Mundi her lightsaber as Grievous leapt at the Cerean. Although the Jedi Master managed to slice off one of Grievous' hands, he was still overwhelmed before he, Tano and Secura were rescued by a squad of Clone troopers led by CC-7567, more commonly known as Rex.
Personality and traits[]
Ki-Adi-Mundi was a brave, determined and resourceful Jedi who was willing to keep fighting even if the situation seemed hopeless. Like all Cereans, his binary brain made him extremely logical and insightful and he was a skilled tactician and diplomat. His distinctive head shape was often regarded with a certain curiosity by other species, and as a result, Ki-Adi-Mundi sometimes went to the extent of hiding it when on missions to remote, backwater worlds such as Tatooine.
Unlike most Jedi, Mundi was given permission to marry, and when his family was killed in the Clone Wars he grieved for a while but soon let them go and returned to his duties.
Powers and abilities[]
Ki-Adi-Mundi was trained as a Jedi Guardian and was considered to be one of the Jedi Orders most skilled swordsmen. A master of Makashi and Ataru, he was the last Jedi standing during the duel with General Grievous and managed to hold off the cyborg long enough for a squad of clones to arrive and rescue them. The Jedi Master also had very fast reflexes which contributed to his already considerable lightsaber skills. He was also proficient in the use of Djem So, utilising its deflection techniques against blaster wielding enemies.
In addition to being a skilled swordsman, Ki-Adi possessed a strong connection to the Force, being able to produce a powerful Force Push as well as being able to leap huge distances. He was also able to use Force healing to some degree as proven when he healed a broken collar bone during his mission to find Sharad Hett, but was not a fully trained healer.