Our predicament is dire, but do not despair. Focus! We are Jedi!
—Ki-Adi-Mundi during the Battle of Hypori
Ki-Adi-Mundi was a male Cerean Jedi Master who served both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. A member of the Jedi High Council, Mundi was a staunch traditionalist and believed that the Order would persevere through any conflict. Following the death of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the Sith Lord who orchestrated the war, Mundi remained on the Council as Grand Master Tomac Moorcé drove the Order towards a new destiny on Ossus. Butting heads often with the new Grand Master, Mundi was not convinced the Purpilian Jedi could handle the title until the Order saw a massive upswing in numbers and a massive growth. Mundi would take up his lightsaber in battle during the Conflict in Hutt Space during which he and fellow Councilor Plo Koon became one with the Force.
Early life[]
Take him. We need a Jedi of our own, one who will be here always. This… must not go on.
—Ki-Adi-Mundi's father giving him over to An'ya Kuro for Jedi training
Ki-Adi-Mundi, a Cerean male, was born in 92 BBY on Cerea. He was one of several children in the Mundi family but was the only boy among his siblings and one of the few males in his home village, as the birth rate for male Cereans to females was twenty-to-one. His father was a farmer and, for the first four years of his life, Mundi lived on the family farm, where his father and mother were content to raise him in a secluded lifestyle typical of Cereans, who largely shunned technology and lived in isolation from the rest of the galaxy. As a youth, Mundi was drawn to offworlder technology, but his father warned him embracing it would come at too high a price, something that Mundi did not understand as a young child. Throughout his early childhood, Mundi demonstrated great skill with the Force and was able to levitate items and sense danger, although his abilities were unstable due to lack of proper training. On at least one occasion, an item Mundi lifted with the Force exploded in mid-air due to this instability. Mundi's home village was periodically attacked and pillaged by a gang of raiders led by Bin-Garda-Zon. During these raids, Zon repeatedly broke into the Mundi household, smashed their belongings and demanded financial tributes from them, which the family always paid to avoid problems. Mundi could sense Zon's approach prior to these attacks, and his family would hide Mundi in concealed floor compartment before Zon arrived because the raiders would kidnap male children due to the species' low birth rate.
Despite the family's seclusion, rumors of Mundi's abilities with the Force began to spread even outside of Cerea. In 88 BBY, when Mundi was four years old, a Jedi Knight named An'ya Kuro, better known simply as the Dark Woman, traveled to Cerea after hearing stories about the child. Although most Jedi are trained starting from infancy, she nevertheless hoped to take Mundi to Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, where the Jedi Order could test him and assign him a Master to train him in the ways of the Force. When Kuro arrived in her starship, which Mundi called the "metal beast," Mundi's siblings fled at the sight of the unfamiliar technology, but Mundi stood his ground and insisted he was not afraid. When Kuro descended from the craft, Mundi immediately sensed she had come for him, even before she identified herself. Once she explained her motives to his family, Mundi demonstrated his Force abilities for Kuro by levitating items and describing his sensory abilities. After Kuro announced her desire to take Mundi to Coruscant, Mundi's father asked whether he simply be taught in his home village or at the Cerean capital of Tecave City. When Kuro said this was impossible due to the commitment required by the Jedi lifestyle, Mundi's father angrily refused to allow him to leave. During this conversation, however, Mundi sensed that Zon's raiders were approaching the village and that an attack was imminent. As Mundi and his sister were hidden away, Kuro volunteered to defend the village against the raiders, but Mundi's father urged against it because he believed the gang would only act more aggressively toward them later, once Kuro had departed. Mundi listened as Zon smashed the door in, physically beat his father and stole several of their belongings, although they did not find Mundi himself. Once Zon and his men had departed, Mundi's father lifted him out of the hidden compartment, tearfully wished him goodbye and told Kuro she could take him to Coruscant. He believed Cerea needed a Jedi protector of their own or the attacks from raiders like Zon would never stop. An emotional Mundi promised his father he would work hard in his training, become as powerful and strong as possible, and then come back to Cerea to protect his family and defeat Zon's men.
Jedi training[]
Remember, Ki-Adi-Mundi, nobility in many hearts lives! Find it you must, and cherish!
—Yoda to Ki-Adi Mundi during Jedi training
Some Jedi expressed concern that, having missed four critical years of instruction, Mundi was too old to begin his training and that his childhood on Cerea would impair his judgment. Nevertheless, the Jedi High Council agreed to let Mundi be trained and he entered into the Temple academy. Kuro would have liked to have taken Mundi as a Padawan herself, and sensed he had the potential to be her greatest apprentice, but the Council only entrusted her with more challenging students. Instead, Grand Master Yoda was assigned to train Mundi. Nevertheless, Mundi often referred to Kuro as "First Teacher" and remained immensely grateful to her for the rest of his life. While many regarded Kuro with suspicion for her unorthodox and aggressive Jedi training techniques, Mundi regularly defended her and her methods, and refused to refer to her by the name Dark Woman as others called her.
For the next 21 years, Mundi learned the ways of the Force under Yoda's tutelage. Mundi traveled to many different planets as part of his Jedi training, and eventually built his own lightsaber, which had a purple blade. As Mundi got older, his ability with the Force proved strong and his ability with the lightsaber exceptional; he had no difficulty deflecting shots from multiple remotes during training sessions. However, Mundi also showed occasional signs of arrogance and willfulness during his training, which Yoda sought to counter by teaching him humility. During one session, when Mundi fought off remotes, Yoda warned him to watch his "blind spot" and, when Mundi insisted he had no blind spot, Yoda tripped him with his gimer stick. Like most Jedi, Mundi also occasionally experienced difficulty with his both his Force power and lightsaber training, but Yoda provided him reassurance on those occasions. Throughout his training, Mundi had always made clear his intention to one day return to Cerea and free his family from the persecution of the criminal raiders there. Although Yoda did not sense anger or fear in his Padawan, he was concerned Mundi's motivations were based on a desire for vengeance, which could often lead to the dark side of the Force. Mundi insisted this was not the case and that he was driven by the desire for justice, not revenge. Nevertheless, Mundi admitted he hated Bin-Garda-Zon for what he had done to his family, and Yoda urged him to avoid feelings of hatred and to instead pity Zon, who Yoda said had already lost his own personal battle with the dark side. The Jedi Master also encouraged Mundi to seek out and cherish the nobility in the hearts of other living beings, and taught him the future was constantly in motion and that the truth of any given situation is not always clear until more time passes. Mundi was the last Jedi directly trained by Yoda before he retired from direct Padawan-Master training and became a staff instructor teaching Jedi Initiates at the Jedi Temple.
Return to Cerea[]
This mission you speak of, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jedi Knight…about justice it is? Or revenge?
—Yoda to Ki-Adi-Mundi
After passing his Trials of Knighthood, Mundi was named the Watchman of the sector that included his home planet of Cerea, just as many Jedi return to the service of their birth planets. Mundi returned to Cerea in 67 BBY at age 25 with the intention of following through on his promise to protect his family from the raider gang, although Yoda again warned him not to become consumed with revenge or anger. Upon arriving home, Mundi was greeted with love and excitement from his family, who he entertained with tales of his Jedi training and experiences on other worlds. Later, his father informed him the village was still persecuted by the raiders, although Zon himself no longer participated in the rides. Although the raider base was rumored to be very dangerous, Mundi insisted he did not require any additional assistance from the villagers and would confront Zon and his men himself. Mundi rode an aryx at night to Zon's camp in the hills outside the village, where he disguised himself as a drifter until reaching the inside of the camp. Upon arriving, Mundi revealed his identity and announced his intention to challenge Zon, hoping eliminating the leader would disorganize the rest of the gang and allow the local authorities to deal with the remnants. Mundi over-confidently boasted he could beat the man with both hands tied behind his back. Mundi was taken to the gang's new leader, Bin-Garda-Zon's daughter, who had previously defeated her father in combat to take control of the raiders. Treating Mundi's boast literally, she ordered her guards to tie his hands behind his back, then engaged Mundi in combat with her spear. Taken aback by how quickly his plan fell apart, and not yet strong enough in the Force to win under such circumstances, Mundi was quickly defeated and rendered unconscious.
Mundi later awakened tied to a wooden post inside a tent, where an older and weaker Zon threatened him with a vibroknife. Zon intended to slit Mundi's throat, then use that accomplishment to attempt to regain power from his daughter. However, Mundi used the Force to loosen the ropes binding his wrists, then subdued both Zon and the guards who responded to the commotion. Upon exiting the tent he was confronted by the gang leader, who this time said she would battle him to the death. Mundi offered her the chance to surrender, but she instead attacked. More cautious this time and no longer restrained, Mundi easily disarmed her and won the fight, although he did not kill her. Surrounded by dozens of her fellow raiders, Mundi knew he could not defeat them all based on sheer numbers, so he feigned bravado and ordered them all to disband and stop pillaging the villagers, or else they would have to face him. This threat largely worked and the gang began to dissipate except for Zon, who hurled a vibroblade at Mundi with the hopes of winning his command back. Mundi used the Force to easily push the blade aside, but left Zon alive, recognizing that leaving the former gang leader powerless and inconsequential was a fate worse than death for Zon. The victorious Mundi then returned to his family.
Jedi Knight[]
Establishing home and family[]
The Jedi Code forbids attachments. I cared for them but I tried to remain unattached. It was always…difficult.
—Ki-Adi-Mundi speaking about his family
As the planet's Jedi Watchman, Mundi lived on Cerea and quickly cultivated a deep love and appreciation for his home world, and gained a great deal of respect among the Cerean community. Despite having been drawn to offworlder technology in his youth, Mundi came to develop a very different perspective in his adulthood, as did many other Cereans his age. Like his father before him, Mundi now believed Cereans should take pride in their technologically-primitive culture and resist opening itself too much to outside worlds that would seek to change and modernize their planet, which he felt could lead to unexpected and disastrous consequences. As a Jedi Watchman, Mundi developed a network of contacts who provided him information about the activities on and around Cerea, including the Ortolan Ydde, who outwardly claimed to only care about the money Mundi gave him, but secretly admired the Jedi Knight. Due to the Cerean's social customs and low birth rate for males, Mundi was granted an extremely rare exception to be allowed to marry and have children, which was usually strictly forbidden by the Jedi Order as Jedi were not allowed personal attachments. Although Mundi cared for his family, he was required by the Jedi Order not to view them as attachments, a balance that Mundi found extremely difficult. Like all Cereans, Mundi practiced polygamy due to the 1-to-20 male-to-female ratio among his species. Mundi first married Shea, his bond-wife, and later married four honor-wives, including Mawin. Shea remained Mundi's closest and most trusted wife, and he felt he could hide nothing from her, so much so that Mundi suspected she had some of the Force within her. Mundi had seven daughters with his wives, none of whom were born by Shea, which bitterly disappointed her. Mundi desperately wanted a boy, but tried to conceal his disappointment from his wives; he avoided having children with Shea because he did not believe he could hide his feelings from her.
Mundi and his family lived in a large house not far from Concave City. The polygamist nature of Mundi's family inevitably led to tension and arguments among his wives. The honor-wives occasionally envied Shea's status as the bond-wife and, in turn, Shea was often jealous of them because she had never bore any children. Mundi often had trouble understanding his wives' emotions and responding accordingly, which would upset them further. Among Mundi's daughters was Sylvn, who he had with Mawin. Sylvn demonstrated rebellious tendencies and anger issues as early as age six, when she regularly drew pictures of angry faces. Although this concerned Mawin, Mundi assured her it was normal youthful behavior and nothing to be worried about. Sylvn's rebellious tendencies continued into her teenage years, when she began spending time with the dissident Maj-Odo-Nomor and his swoop gang, the Band of Techrats, but Mundi nevertheless felt she was a good girl and that her actions were not a source of concern.
Early Jedi Council service[]
I would urge you to consider Ki-Adi-Mundi. Though he is still but a Jedi Knight, he previously stood in for Giiett and has demonstrated exceptional judgment and valor.
—Mace Windu recommending Ki-Adi-Mundi for the High Council
Ki-Adi-Mundi was held in high regard by members of the High Council, and he was occasionally asked to sit in on High Council meetings and participate in their decisions in the absence of Jedi Master Micah Giiett. Yoda, already very familiar with Mundi from his training, held the Cerean in high regard, and Jedi Master Mace Windu believed he demonstrated excellent judgment and courage. Mundi sat temporarily on the High Council in 44 BBY, a time of particularly high tension and increased security due to a failed assassination attempt against Yoda within the Jedi Temple. Also during this time, Obi-Wan Kenobi, then 13 years old, briefly left the Jedi Order and tutelage of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn to assist with the Melida/Daan Civil War. Mundi was present at the meeting when Kenobi appeared before the Jedi Council to apologize for his brief departure, requesting to return to the Order. Like the other Council members, Mundi expressed reluctance and disappointment with Kenobi, and said he did not believe Kenobi recognized that he had violated the trust not only of Jinn, but of the entire Council.
Also in 44 BBY, Mundi was present when Sha Koon, a Kel Dor Padawan and niece of Jedi Master Plo Koon, appeared before the Jedi High Council at the behest of her Ithorian Jedi Master Saldith during the Stark Hyperspace War. Sha Koon explained that her uncle had communicated with her via telepathy and asked her to approach the Council so they could speak to Plo Koon through her. When Saldith vouched for Sha Koon's credibility, the Council agreed to join their minds with her, which led them to dispatch a Jedi strike force to Troiken to assist with Plo Koon's mission there. Following the death of Giiett during the Yinchorri Uprising in 33 BBY, the Jedi Council was forced to consider a permanent replacement for Giiett. Although some considered Jinn for this vacancy, Windu advised against it because of Jinn's headstrong and iconoclastic personality and instead strongly supported Mundi for the position. Yoda did not object to Mundi's selection, but did not immediately voice support for it either, as he was distracted by his concerns over who was responsible for causing the Yinchorri Uprising. The possibility of Mundi joining the High Council was expressed to him during this time, but before formally accepting the invitation, Mundi returned to Cerea and his duties as a Watchman so he could consider the matter.
Conflict on Cerea[]
Silais looks at our world and sees backwardness. If he could see it through my eyes, he'd find the view far more appealing. I see a world and a people in harmony with nature, who choose not to sully their waters and their air with the noxious emissions of motorized craft.
—Ki-Adi-Mundi urging to Council of Elders to reject Silais' offer to join the Galactic Republic.
Despite his allegiance to the Jedi Order, Mundi actively lobbied for Cerea to reject proposals to join the Republic and encouraged his fellow Cereans to maintain their neutrality. In 33 BBY, Silais, a Twi'lek representative, encouraged the Council of Elders to join the Republic and called Cerea a backward world due to its lack of technology. In response to these remarks, Mundi spoke passionately in defense of the planet, calling Cerea's lack of technology as a virtue rather than a detriment. He argued giving greater power to offworlder influences would make the planet as unpleasant and corrupt as the Outsider Citadel cities. The Elders were so moved by Mundi's speech that they rejected Silais' request without even taking the matter to a vote, which prompted the Twi'lek to view Mundi as an enemy. Shortly after this speech, a distraught Mawin informed Mundi that Sylvn had run away with Maj-Odo-Nomor, and Mundi promised to find her and bring her home. He found both Sylvn and Nomor at a Pro-Tech Movement rally, where Republic diplomat Bron was encouraging an agitated crowd of young Cereans to reject their elders advice and embrace offworlder technology.
Emboldened by his earlier speech before the Council of Elders, Mundi attempted to sway the crowd against Bron's way of thinking, but succeeded only in antagonizing them further. Too late, Mundi realized Bron tricked him into addressing the crowd because Bron knew it would anger them and make Bron himself appear accepting of outsider opinions. Incensed by Mundi's words, Nomor encouraged the crowd to physically remove Mundi from the rally. They picked him up and began carrying him, but Mundi resisted fighting back because he felt they were only children and presented no real danger. Distracted while calling out for his daughter, Nomor grabbed Mundi's lightsaber, but accidentally activated it and killed a Cerean bystander. Nomor and Sylvn fled and the confused crowd mistakenly believed Mundi killed the bystander himself, much to Bron's delight. Although the crowd called on Mundi to be charged with murder, surveillance footage and an examination on the skin cells on Mundi's lightsaber proved that Nomor was responsible for the death. Nevertheless, Bron used the incident to spread rumors and create a sense of mistrust about Mundi and the Council of Elders. The elders allowed Mundi to go free and bring Nomor and his accomplices to justice, which they indicated included Sylvn. They did not, return Mundi's lightsaber, however, because they claimed it was required for evidence. Mundi immediately returned home, where he found four members of the Band of Techrats gang—Skeel, Kordren, Twin and Sylvn herself—had broken into his house and stolen his groceries. Mundi suspected they had stolen the food because they were harboring Nomor, and he traveled via Aryx to the Outsider Citadel to find him. There he sought his source Ydde, but learned he had gone into hiding and was missing for the last two days. Ydde's wife told Mundi he had was afraid for his life after overhearing the smuggler Ephant Mon speaking to somebody else about a shipment. Believing the shipment to be related to the Swoops, Mundi found Ydde in a nearby cantina, but Ydde refused to talk to him despite offers of money and stormed off.
Due to the rumors Bron had spread about Mundi, most of the Outsider Citadel citizens distrusted Mundi. A group of alien outsiders—led by a Devaronian who previously lost half of his left horn in a fight with Mundi—attacked the Cerean, overconfident because he lacked a lightsaber. Mundi easily fended them off with hand-to-hand combat, but when the attackers continued to heavily outnumber him, he summoned his Aryx, who rushed into the fray and helped Mundi defeat them. Citadel security forces arrived after the scene ended, which meant Mundi had to face another inquiry before the Elders the next day. Not far away, Mundi discovered the dead body of Ydde, who had been shot to death at close range by what a Mundi determined was likely a skilled assassin. The guilt-stricken Jedi blamed himself for Ydde's death. During the inquiry the next day, Elder Nar-Somo-Dali, a friend of Mundi, insisted the search for Nomor was growing out of control and considered relieving Mundi of the duty due to his personal involvement because of his daughter. Dali refused to return Mundi's lightsaber and explained the Council was proceeding with caution because some members of the public saw the pursuit of Nomor as prosecution for his Pro-Tech beliefs, but Mundi said the Council should instead be focused on doing the right thing.
After extracting information using the Force from a Gran prisoner with knowledge of Ephant Mon's activities, Mundi learned where the smuggler was hiding Nomor, but they were gone before Mundi arrived. He discovered a sketch of an angry face that Sylvn used to draw when she was young, and felt despair over never recognizing how troubled she was. Distracted, he nearly failed to detect an attack by FLTCH R-1, a huge mercenary droid left behind by Mon to attack the Jedi. In his haste to depart, however, Mon failed to calibrate the droid's target system, so Mundi was able to dodge it's attacks and escape. As he was fleeing, Mundi ran into a Cerean messenger sent by Nar-Somo-Dali. The Jedi directed the messenger into the sewers with him and drew FLTCH R-1's fire away from the boy, but was struck and injured by one of the droid's blasts and nearly crushed by falling debris. The messenger ran to assist him and delivered Dali's message by returning Mundi's lightsaber and explaining that Dali had taken to heart Mundi's earlier statement about doing the right thing. The now-armed Mundi disabled the approaching FLTCH R-1 with one swoop of his lightsaber, then collapsed. The messenger took the unconscious Mundi back to Dali, who placed Mundi into a bacta tank to treat his injuries. Upon learning that Mon had fled the planet with Nomor and Sylvn, Dali obtained permission from the Jedi Council to extend Mundi's jurisdiction, freeing the Jedi to pursue Nomor anywhere in the galaxy. These efforts furthered Bron's arguments that the Cerean search for Nomor was personal and unjust, as many Cereans felt the pursuit should be dropped now that he was off the planet.
Rescuing Mundi's daughter[]
Valuable he has been already. More valuable he yet will be.
—Yoda recommending Ki-Adi-Mundi for the Jedi High Council
Dali received word that Mon's ship was located in orbit around the planet Tatooine, but that it was infested with 2,000 dangerous divvik pupae ready to hatch. When communication with the ship failed, Dali freed Mundi from the bacta tank early so he could continue his pursuit right away, even though the Jedi was still not fully recovered. Silais provided Mundi with a starship] and a crew of marginally-effective droid prototypes from a bankrupt manufacturer, which Silais insisted were the best he could provide on short notice. They included maintenance droid J1M, navigator B3NK, medical droid 2-ROB and pilot FLTCH R-1, who had been reprogrammed since previously attacking Mundi. After a 10-hour flight, the crew arrived at Tatooine, where it was impossible for B3NK to detect whether Sylvn was alive because the thousands of divviks aboard Mon's ship made it impossible to separate lifeforms. Mundi detected Mon's presence aboard the ship and, despite the mortal danger presented by the divviks, donned a spacesuit and boarded the craft. Aware there were too many divviks to fight single-handedly, Mundi attempted to move quickly through them and fought his way through the ship. Mundi used the Force to navigate himself to an escape pod where Mon, Sylvn, Nomor and Twin were hidden inside.
Mundi offered to bring them back to his ship, but Mon instead explained the pod's electrical circuit was damaged and the outside hatch could only be opened manually from outside the pod. Mon ordered Mundi to open the hatch, which could fatally expose Mundi to the vacuum of space, or else Mon would manually eject the pod himself and kill all the occupants, including Mundi's daughter. When Nomor tried to resist Mon, the smuggler shot him to death. Mundi recognized Mon intended to follow through with this threat and agreed, but first ordered FLTCH R-1 to get a reading on both the escape pod and Mundi himself. After opening the hatch and allowing the pod to eject, Mundi leapt through the airlock door and toward his own ship, where the robot crew quickly picked him up and safely brought him aboard. Mundi pursued the escape pod into Tatooine's atmosphere, where they initially met resistance from Trade Federation ships, despite the fact that Tatooine was outside the Federation's jurisdiction. Mundi used the Force to trick the pilots into abandoning their pursuit, then landed the ship on Tatooine and tracked the pod, but found it empty besides Nomor's body. The crew followed the trail until it was lost in an ion storm, prompting the Jedi to become distraught over the thought of losing his daughter, and regret having previously desired a son rather than appreciate his own daughters.
Upon learning Sylvn was taken to a Hutt Citadel owned by the crime lord Jabba Tiure, Mundi believed his daughter was being held as bait in a trap meant for the Jedi himself. Mundi secretly ordered J1M to enter the cargo bay, where he planned to drop the droid along with non-essential material from the ship. Mundi hoped Jabba would believe unloading the cargo was an attempt by Mundi to simulate damage to his own ship, but in fact, Mundi planned to have J1M infiltrate Jabba's shuttle and download his cargo manifest. Mundi then ordered his crew to prepare for an air battle and piloted the ship toward the Hutt Citadel, where they were pursued by several atmospheric flyers. Mundi recognized they depended upon air circulation to fly, so he flew his ship close to the planet's surface to create a sandstorm, clogging their air intakes and destroying several of the ships. He then dropped his cargo, including J1M, and Jabba fell for the ruse and launched a shuttle to collect the debris. Upon arriving at the Hutt Citadel, Mundi found Sylvn and Twin surrounded by guards and chained to an ion attractor atop of a tower during an ion storm, where they were at risk of becoming electrocuted by bursts of plasma. Mundi had the robot crew take over piloting, then dropped onto the tower along with FLTCH R-1 to assist the girls. Mundi blocked a plasma blast with his lightsaber just as it was about to strike the ion attractor, then killed the guards while FLTCH R-1 untied Sylvn and Twin. After embracing his daughter, the four returned to the starcraft and exited the system just as Jabba's shuttle was releasing it's garbage, including J1M. Mundi picked up the droid, who had successfully downloaded the cargo manifest, revealing the Trade Federation had obtained several illegal items from Jabba, violating the Republic's rules of engagement. Mundi decided not to continue pursuing Ephant Mon and instead left Tatooine and dispatched the Trade Federation information to Coruscant. After returning to Cerea, testimony from Sylvn and Twin dispelled the public's suspicions about the pursuit against Mundi and calmed the hysteria previously caused by Bron's rumors. Around this time, Mundi sensed a disturbance in the Force among the Republic, but it was too diffuse for him to determine a specific cause. Dali suggested he spend as much time with his family as possible before Jedi Order business would force him away from Cerea. With his outlook on family changed by Sylvn's recent abduction, Mundi finally got Shea pregnant and this time insisted he did not care whether it would be a boy or a girl. Upon learning of Mundi's recent actions, Yoda became impressed that the Cerean was able to carry out his mission and obtain helpful information about the Trade Federation even while his own daughter's life was at risk. Yoda formally recommended that Mundi indeed be selected for the vacancy on the Jedi High Council. Mundi was summoned to Coruscant, where after a vote among the Council he was inducted to their ranks despite not yet having obtained the title of Jedi Master, an extremely rare accomplishment. Mundi continued to serve as the Jedi Watchman for the Cerean sector while serving on the Council, and although he now began spending more time on Coruscant and less on Cerea, he often missed his home world and felt uncomfortable among the modern cities and excessive technology of Coruscant.
Jedi Council member[]
Eriadu Trade Summit[]
Should we order the delegation to remove the droids, Master?"
"Whoever is watching may decide to trigger the droids into action. If that happens, it could appear that we posed a threat, prompting the droids to respond with blasterfire."
—Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ki-Adi-Mundi
Mundi received a transmission from Jinn and Kenobi that they were pursuing Nebula Front official Arwen Cohl to the Eriadu Trade Summit, and Mundi delivered that message to the others on the Jedi High Council. When the date of the Summit arrived, Mundi traveled to Eriadu along with other fellow Jedi to provide protection. Mundi and Saesee Tiin patrolled the seats of Seswenna Hall, where the Summit was held, searching for any disturbances in the Force. The two Jedi learned that Cohl's freighter had been spotted at a nearby customs warehouse, where several custom agents were attacked and tied up by armed assailants. Mundi and the other Jedi traveled to the warehouse, where they split up on airspeeders to search for the assailants. Mundi, riding along with Vergere, helped locate the Nebula Front militants, who opened fire on the airspeeders with missile launchers from the rooftop of a building. Mundi and the Jedi engaged the attackers along with help from Judicial Forces members. They eventually captured six terrorists, including a Gotal wearing a mimetic suit that Mundi and Vergere subdued, but found neither Cohl or the Nebula Front leader Havac among them.
Interrogating the captured assailants, the Jedi quickly realized the entire encounter was a distraction to keep the Jedi occupied while the Nebula Front advanced their secret plans back at the Eriadu Trade Summit. The Jedi returned to Seswenna Hall where, later, Kenobi and Jinn shared with Mundi and the other Jedi information they had obtained from Cohl: that Havac planned to use a droid from the Trade Federation Directorate to assassinate Chancellor Valorum. Kenobi suggested ordering all droids removed from the delegation, but Mundi said that could prompt the Nebula Front to trigger the droids into opening fire. Mundi suggested getting someone aboard the Trade Federation freighter to shut down the central control computer, thus disabling the droids, but there was no time. Mundi, Tiin and Kenobi took positions in front of the Trade Federation rostum with their lightsabers ready to deflect fire from the droids. However, when the Trade Federation Directorate activated their force fields, thus ensuring no blaster shots could enter or leave their shielded area, their droids suddenly turned on them and opened fire, killing all present Directorate members as Mundi and the other Jedi looked on helplessly. They later learned it was the Trade Federation Directorate, not Valorum, who had been Havoc's target all along.
Reemergence of the Sith[]
Impossible! The Sith have been extinct for a millennium!
—Ki-Adi-Mundi's reaction to the return of the Sith
In 32 BBY, Mundi was still working toward the rank of Jedi Master, when he and the rest of the Jedi High Council were approached by Qui-Gon Jinn, who had recently escaped the Trade Federation's blockade of the planet Naboo. Jinn told the Council of a lightsaber duel he had with a Zabrak warrior who was well trained in the dark side of the Force. Jinn believed the attacker was a Sith Lord, a claim that the Council met with incredulity. Mundi, in particular, insisted it was impossible as the Sith had been believed extinct for a millennium. Mace Windu agreed with Mundi, but the Council agreed to further investigate the attacker's identity. Jinn also presented the Council with a nine-year-old Human boy named Anakin Skywalker, who he had discovered during his recent stay on Tatooine. The child had a very high midi-chlorian count and Jinn believed him to be the Chosen One, identified in a prophecy as the one who would restore balance to the Force. Mundi and the other Jedi were skeptical, but agreed to see the boy. Upon meeting Skywalker, Mundi sensed a danger in the child that he could not fully explain, and felt leery not of the boy himself but of what he could become in the future. The Cerean came to believe the disturbance he felt in the Force during his previous trip to Tatooine was somehow connected to Skywalker's presence on the planet. Mundi was so amazed by Skywalker's strength with the Force that the Cerean questioned the reliability of his perceptive abilities for failing to have located the boy on Tatooine himself, which he considered a personal failure.
It was initially decided, however, that Skywalker was too old to begin Jedi training. Mundi agreed with this ruling, although he felt he should have been more empathetic since he himself had also been trained at a later age. Later, Jinn's suspicions about the Sith were proven correct when the Zabrak warrior, later identified as Darth Maul, killed him in a lightsaber duel during the Battle of Naboo. Mundi grew extremely troubled by his failure, and the failure of the Council, to recognize that the Sith had indeed returned as Jinn foresaw. He had trouble finding peace in the months that followed, even during meditation. Under the circumstances, Mundi and the rest of the Council agreed that Skywalker would be trained as a Jedi, but Mundi secretly harbored feelings of discomfort about the boy and intended to be more watchful of him than of other Padawans. The Cerean traveled to Naboo to attend Jinn's funeral, and was also present the next day at the Theed Royal Palace for the celebration of Naboo's liberation from the Trade Federation. Upon the realization that the Sith had indeed resurfaced, Mundi and the other members of the Jedi began feeling major disturbances in the Force.
Clone Wars[]
First Battle of Geonosis[]
He is a political idealist, not a murderer.
—Ki-Adi-Mundi defending Count Dooku
In 22 BBY, Mundi attended a meeting with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine in his private chambers, along with fellow Jedi Mace Windu, Yoda, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee. Palpatine explained an alarming number of star systems were breaking away from the Republic to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a Separatist movement led by the former Jedi Master Count Dooku. The Senate was to consider a vote on the establishment through the Military Creation Act, a move Palpatine claimed he wished to avoid if possible, as some feared it could lead to war with the Separatists. As the meeting concluded, Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, who had just survived an assassination attempt, arrived and explained she believed Dooku was the attacker. Mundi, who knew Dooku from the Jedi Temple before he had left the Jedi Order, expressed strong doubts and insisted Dooku was merely a political idealist who was incapable of murder. Nevertheless, Palpatine requested that Amidala be placed under the protection of Obi-Wan Kenobi to ensure her safety.
Later after a series of events led to the arrest of Kenobi and Senator Amidala, Windu assembled a strike team of 212 Jedi to rescue Kenobi on Geonosis. Mundi was among the Jedi who traveled to the planet's surface and infiltrated the Petranaki arena, where Kenobi, Skywalker and Amidala were about to be executed. Mundi appeared at a ledge overlooking the arena along with Aayla Secura and Plo Koon, all of whom ignited their lightsabers as Windu personally confronted Dooku. Although they were desperately outnumbered by the Separatist Droid Army, Mundi and his fellow Jedi engaged the droids in a bloody battle. After several tense minutes of fighting, the majority of the Jedi were slain and Dooku's forces gained the upper hand, rounding Mundi and about 20 other surviving Jedi into the center of the arena. Before he could kill them, however, the Jedi were rescued by the Republic's newly-acquired clone army, led into the arena by Yoda aboard Low Altitude Assault Transports. As the gunships opened fire on the droids, the Jedi resumed their lightsaber battle against the droids, with Mundi deflecting blaster shots and fighting back-to-back with Amidala. Mundi and Windu got aboard the gunship with Yoda, and the Cerean helped Kit Fisto get aboard before taking off and escaping the arena. As they flew away, Yoda insisted to Windu and Mundi that they must attempt to prevent Dooku's escape or he would rally more systems to his cause. Windu ordered the pilot to land in an assembly area in the desert where he, Mundi and Fisto met up with five clone commando units. Mundi took command of one of the clone units and led them into a fierce ground battle a multitude of battle droids. Mundi continued to fight until the Separatists ordered a full retreat. Mundi was one of the few Jedi to survivor the battle at Geonosis, which formally marked the beginning of the Clone Wars. The Cerean took no comfort in surviving the battle, however, as he knew the conflict ahead would be brutal.
Post-Geonosis service[]
I'm afraid we have a complication."
"Don't we always?
—Ki-Adi-Mundi and Anakin Skywalker
As they prepared to take Poggle back to Coruscant, Mundi received a transmission from Windu on Dantooine. Although Windu's forces had fended off an attack there, they had suffered heavy casualties and were in immediate need of medical supplies from a medical station at Ord Cestus. Mundi informed the others, who decided to send Tano and Barriss Offee to pick up the supplies while Mundi, Kenobi and Unduli took Poggle back to Coruscant to be interrogated. Later, on the Venator-class Star Destroyer making the voyage back to Coruscant, Skywalker informed Mundi, Kenobi, Unduli and Captain Rex that the ship carrying Tano and Offee has been infected by Geonosian brain worms. Skywalker later interrogated Poggle alone and learned the brain words were susceptible to cold temperatures. When Mundi asked Skywalker how he convinced Poggle to talk, the Jedi Knight declined to answer, and the Cerean was unaware that Skywalker used violent methods to achieve his means. Mundi remained busy with Jedi High Council business throughout 21 BBY. He was present at the Jedi Temple when the Jedi High Council viewes a hologramm transmission from General Grievous, who has captured Eeth Koth. Upon discovering Koth secretly used hand signals in the message to indicate he was in the Saleucami system, the Council assigns Skywalker, Kenobi and Adi Gallia to rescue him. Some weeks later, Mundi also viewed a holocomm strategy session led by Plo Koon on Coruscant, who was interrupted by the astromech droid R2-D2. When R2 projected a message that Skywalker and Windu were trapped on Vanqor and in grave danger, Koon prepared his ship for an immediate rescue. Later that same year, Mundi attended a meeting when the Jedi High Council discussed a recent mission by Kenobi and Skywalker to the planet Valahari to convince their population to stop providing assistance to the Separatists. When a Valhari ship was destroyed in the process, Mundi explained to the Jedi that the public opinion against them had grown unanimously negative. Although scanner records proved Kenobi and Skywalker were not responsible for the explosion, the Council nevertheless removed the two Jedi from Valhari for political reasons.
Also in 21 BBY, Mundi and the rest of the Council received a report from Admiral Tenant about a mysterious transmission that had been intercepted in the Wild Space system Chrelythiumn. Although the source for and reason behind the call were unknown, Tenant reported that it contained a Jedi distress signal that had not been used in more than 2,000 years. Later, Mundi also received reports about Delta Squad actions during the early stages of a Battle on the planet Mygeeto, where the Squad called in air strikes and sabotaged enemy ground defenses to help prepare Bacara and the Galactic Marines' main assault. Mundi was pleased with the outcome and directed the Jedi General Arligan Zey to send Delta Squad his commendation. Around this time, the Confederacy of Independent Systems placed a 350,000 credit bounty on Mundi's life, one of several the Separatists issued against various high-profile Jedi.
In 19 BBY, Mundi participated via holocomm in a Jedi High Council meeting where Obi-Wan Kenobi requested to conduct a search for Asajj Ventress, who had gone missing and was believed dead by some. Mundi suggested Kenobi abandon the search because so many Jedi had been dispatched to the Outer Rim Territories and that the Jedi Order could not spare the resources. However, when Kenobi insisted the threat presented by Ventress was too significant to ignore, the Council ultimately agreed to allow him to pursue with caution. When Kenobi's pursuit ultimately uncovered intelligence that the Separatists had established a major blockage on the planet Boz Pity, the size of which suggested the presence of the Confederacy leadership. The Jedi Order believed the Clone Wars could be brought to an end if these leaders were captured, so they dispatched several of their best Jedi Masters, including Mundi, for a mission to investigate. In order to infiltrate the planet, the Jedi planned to bring the Venator-class Star Destroyer Intervention to come out of hyperspace between the blockade and the planet. Mundi was aboard the Intervention when Anakin Skywalker piloted the ship and attempted the maneuver. However, the spacecraft came out of hyperspace too close to Boz Pity's gravitational pull, causing the Intervention to crash onto the planet's surface. Mundi, the Jedi and most of their clone forces survived the crash, but having lost the element of surprise were forced to engage the Separatist armies in battle immediately. Despite the presence of Count Dooku, General Grievous and Ventress on the planet, the attack went as planned, and the Republic forces successfully infiltrated the Separatist's surface installations and headquarters. Although Jedi Masters Adi Gallia and Soon Bayts were killed in the battle, the Separatists suffered much heavier casualties and their blockage was dispersed.
Later that year, Mundi and the rest of the Jedi High Council met with Palpatine on Coruscant and explained that the war had reached a stalemate. The Jedi argued they had to strike against the Separatist leaders to turn the tide of the war in their favor. As a result, Palpatine agreed that the Jedi General should be dispatched to areas of the galaxy to try to apprehend these leaders, starting with Kenobi and Skywalker on a mission to Tythe to search for Count Dooku. Some days alter, Mundi remotely participated in a Council meeting where Secura reported that a biological agent had been released on the planet Felucia shortly after the destruction of Confederate ally Shu Mai's compound there. Secura explained the compound could potentially contaminate Felucia's water supply in a matter of days and kill everyone on the planet. Also in 19 BBY, Mundi discussed with the Council a State of the Republic address Palpatine made before the Galactic Senate. The Jedi were concerned with the amount of power Palpatine had accumulated throughout the Clone Wars and remained suspicious of his claims that he would end the conflict and return that power to the Senate when the war was done. They also believed Palpatine's decision to deploy massive troops in the Outer Rim was a show of power designed to acquire additional worlds for the Republic by force, and rejected his declaration of the planets Felucia, Mygeeto and Saleucami as a "Triad of Evil" to false, as those worlds were remote and strategically insignificant.
Revelation on Mygeeto[]
Mundi arrived at Mygeeto with along with Bacara and a large contingent of Galactic Marines clone troopers. They established a command center amid the mountains of the planet with several tents, one of which was established for Mundi to privately meditate in. They were joined by a unit of troopers from the elite 501st Legion who had been personally assigned by Palpatine to apparently eliminate a droid energy collector on the planet. Unbeknownst to Mundi, they were actually seeking a power crystal from the planet that Palpatine needed for a top-secret superlaser weapon he was developing under the code name Hammertong. For reasons he could not identify, Mundi was suspicious of the presence of the 501st and the fact that they were operating outside of his direct control, but felt reassured after Bacara assured him they were trustworthy. Mundi accompanied the 501st on their mission on Mygeeto, helping them push through their battle droid forces and reach what the Cerean believed was the droid energy collector. As they reached it, the Jedi also helped them destroy a Separatist shield generator so the 501st could reach and obtain the technology, which was taken back to a LAAT/i dropship. Mundi's cooperation during this mission proved to be a revelation for the members of the 501st, as it marked the first time they realized the Jedi could be fooled, which in turn made them realize the Jedi could be killed if it became necessary.
From his Mygeeto command center, Mundi remotely participated in another Jedi High Council meeting, where Kenobi revealed he had indeed discovered Grievous' location. The Jedi began to discuss the possibility that, upon the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Order might have to forcibly remove Palpatine from power if he refused to give up the extraordinary amount of control he had received throughout the war. Mundi suggested that if such an extreme measure indeed became necessary, the Order might have to code with major political ramifications from the Republic, since Palpatine's dictatorship was technically obtained legally through the super-majority he controlled in the Galactic Senate. Mundi advised it would be up to the Jedi Order to take control of the Senate for an interim period until a new transition of power could commence, an unprecedented and potentially treasonous suggestion, but one the Council ultimately agreed was necessary. Prior to engaging in his final push during the battle on Mygeeto, Mundi meditated and reflected once again upon the sacrifice Rivi-Anu, which helped inspire him to continue on with his duties. As he finished this meditation, Bacara informed him the troops were ready for deployment. Mundi led his clone troopers into the battle, which consisted mainly of urban fighting among the remains of the modern Mygeeto towers. Engaging in firefights from house to house, Mundi and his men slowly began pushing the Separatist forces back, although at great cost to the Mygeeto cityscape, which was getting destroyed by the Confederacy's tri-droids and the Republic's artillery equipment.
After pushing their way across enemy lines, Mundi stepped into the Confederate command center and succeeded in arresting Separatist General Hitach of Rodia. As the battle wound down outside, Mundi finally realized a pending emergency message on his beacon. Activating the message, Mundi played Master Windu's message recalling all Jedi back to Coruscant. Surmising that the Sith Lord had been successfully identified, Mundi heeded Windu's advise to avoid the clone troopers and quickly boarded a shuttle which returned him to Coruscant.
Jedi Renaissance[]
On Coruscant, Mundi was shocked to discover that the Sith Lord was actually Chancellor Palpatine and he had orchestrated the entire war in an effort to rule the galaxy. As Jedi arrested the remaining members of the Confederate war council on Mustafar, Mundi and the High Council convened to restructure the Order for peace time. With the sudden resignation and self-exile of Grand Master Yoda, Mundi was displeased at Yoda's proposed replacement, Master Tomac Moorcé. Mundi knew little of the Warden of the Order but believed that a Shadow had little business leading the entire Order as their assignments were narrow in scope and their work often led them deep into darkness. Mundi presided over Moorcé's appointment hearing and finally relented due to pressure from Master Koon encouraging him to vote for the good of the Order. Reluctantly seeing Moorcé given a seat on the Council, new members took their seats to replace those outgoing or deceased members. At the first Council meeting under the leadership of Masters Moorcé and K'Kruhk, the new Grand Master announced his agenda which would see membership in the Order quadrupled over the following decade and the relocation of the Order's headquarters and academy to the old fortress world of Ossus and the origin world of Tython.
Disgruntled with the radical new ideas presented by Moorcé, Mundi contented himself with the hundreds of hours of Council meetings spent talking with and evaluating the entire membership of the Order to ensure that the members were familiar with the new Council and aware of the sweeping changes being made. While not pleased with the changes, hearing from members long away from Coruscant warmed Mundi's hearts and made him hopeful for the future. As planning commenced on the Ossus Project, Mundi opted not to partake in the process and instead focused on ensuring that all Jedi were prepared to move and take up new residences. When the time came to move to Ossus, Mundi traveled with a group of Initiates to welcome them to the newly erected academy. As more and more Jedi arrive on Ossus, Mundi realizes the wisdom in Moorcé's plan and personally commends the Grand Master for his reforms.