This article, Khaleesi, was created by Skullguy123. |
The Khaleesi were a Near-Human species native to the planet Kalesari within the Outer Rim Territories.
Biology and appearance[]
The Khaleesi were one of several Near-Human species with enough distinguishable features, both physical and biological, that separated the race as a whole from baseline Humanity while still being close enough that the two were compatible with each other. The most distinguishable traits of the Khaleesi were their angular ears and the color of their skin that ranged between various shades of purple from almost pink to dark violet. Shades of white, silver, green and blue were all typical hair colors seen within the species while black was considered to be uncommon. Eye color differed with the most common being silver, white, green or blue. Amber was also possible though not as frequently.
Behind the scenes[]
The Khaleesi are named after Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones. Their appearance, society and culture are based off the Night Elves from Warcraft and the Elves from The Inheritance Cycle