Star Wars Fanon
Legacy eraPost-Legacy era

Keny'ata'thrian was a male Chiss officer of a Colonial Phalanx who willingly joined the Golden Empire after the Conquest of the Chiss Ascendancy. Serving as an intelligence officer, he eventually became the Director of Royal Intelligence.


Born on Sarvchi, the only planet in the Chiss Ascendancy colonies with any notable non-Chiss presence, Keny'ata'thrian was slightly more open to alien ideas and concepts than Chiss of other worlds. This trait was covertly nurtured when he attended the Syndic Mitth'raw'nuruodo training academy on Rhigar. After completing his studies, the Chiss was commissioned as an intelligence officer in Sarvchi's Colonial Phalanx.

When the Golden Empire invaded, Keny'ata'thrian fought alongside his comrades, but after the Ruling Families surrendered following the Second Battle of Csilla, he was among the Chiss who were willing to work for the new government. The expansionary policies of the Empire appealed to some younger officers in the CEDF and Phalanges, and though he had to endure the disdain of some friends and family members (including his brother, who had married into the Nuruodo family), Keny'ata'thrian joined the Royal Navy.

He worked in the Navy's Military Intelligence for only two years before being recruited for Royal Intelligence. RI's ongoing attempts to root out potential dissidents, saboteurs, and other traitors in the former Ascendancy required Chiss operatives, and Keny'ata'thrian had received high ratings from his superiors in the Navy. Though a bit uneasy spying on his own fellow Chiss, Keny'ata'thrian felt the goal of keeping peace was of greater importance and agreed to the missions. He was successful in identifying two insurgent groups, which were rooted out by the Order of Keltrayu.

When the Vagaari War began, Keny'ata'thrian's missions were put on hold. However, he was quickly sent back into the former Ascendancy when the Chiss rebelled. Though he was arranging for the defeat of his own species, he had far fewer qualms about spying on the rebels; aside from his support for the Empire, he felt it was madness to undermine the Empire when it was actively defending Chiss worlds from the Vagaari. Keny'ata'thrian achieved such success infiltrating and reporting on rebel groups that he was eventually put in charge of all operations on Kinoss.

After the rebellion was crushed and the Vagaari defeated, Royal Intelligence Director Gazjir Nalech made Keny'ata'thrian a Field Director, supervising efforts to gather information about the territories which had belonged to the Ascendancy and the Vagaari Empire and over which the Empire was trying to assert actual control. He continued to serve in this role through the Nightmare War, working alongside the Royal Navy and the Exploration Corps to map out border regions. At some point Keny'ata'thrian and his brother Keny'alo'rosan had a lukewarm reconciliation, and Keny'ata'thrian helped his nephew Keny'essa'nuruodo pursue a career in Royal Intelligence.

In 150 ABY, Nalech retired from Royal Intelligence and recommended Keny'ata'thrian to succeed him. Impressed by the Chiss's loyalty, resourcefulness, and obvious ability to coordinate with the military, Prime Legate Sorrik installed Keny'ata'thrian in the post shortly after Nalech's departure.
