Star Wars Fanon

I've seen governments fall and empires rise. I've seen hundreds - if not thousands - of men and women die, and I've lived through the horrors of war. And through it all, do you know what I've learned? That chaos is never absolute. The rule of law always wins in the end.
—Kenden Quinn

Kenden Quinn was a Human male military officer who served for six decades in the armed forces of the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire and the First Order. Originally from the planet Onderon, Quinn came from a military family and grew up with Saw Gerrera. He joined the Republic's Judicial Forces at age 16 - becoming one of the youngest ever Judicial recruits at the time - and by the time that Sheev Palpatine was elected Supreme Chancellor in 32 BBY, he already held the rank of Sergeant despite being only 18 at the time. He was a part of a squadron of Judicials that went to Naboo following the end of the Trade Federation's occupation of the planet to clear out the remaining Trade Federation military forces.

By 22 BBY, Quinn held the rank of Captain. When the Judicial Forces were merged into the Grand Army of the Republic, Quinn became the commanding officer of a unit of Senate Commandos known as "Quinn's Liberators" during the Clone Wars. His unit specialized in restoring the rule of the Republic over worlds that had been recently liberated from Separatist rule.

Quinn witnessed the fall of the Jedi Temple firsthand and was present for the Declaration of the New Order that saw the Republic be reorganized into the Galactic Empire. Shortly afterwards, Quinn was promoted to the rank of Colonel by Emperor Palpatine himself and became an officer in the Imperial Army, evnetually becoming the military attache of Darth Vader, a position he held for at least a decade.

By at least 1 BBY, Quinn had attained the rank of General and had been appointed as the Vice Chief of Staff of the Imperial Army, making him second-in-command to General Cassio Tagge. He was present on the Death Star at the time the Battle of Scarif took place as well as the announcement that the Senate had been formally dissolved, and went with Tagge to investigate possible Rebel incursions on Dantooine.


Early life and career[]

The Clone Wars[]

Serving the Empire[]

Galactic Civil War[]

After the Battle of Endor[]

The First Order[]


Personality and traits[]

Behind the scenes[]

Quinn was created for the live-action television series Star Wars: The Dark Reign, where he is portrayed by Iain Glen. According to Pablo Hidalgo of Lucasfilm Story Group, the character is loosely based on Gilad Pellaeon from the Legends continuity. Glen reprised the role via voice and motion capture in the video game Star Wars: Eagle Squadron, as well as the DLC Eagles of Jakku

His involvement in the aftermath of the Battle of Naboo was revealed in the From the Office of the Supreme Chancellor limited series, and his survival of the Battle of Endor and subsequent involvement with the First Order (as well as his role in the Clone Wars) is detailed in the novels Kylo Ren: Heir of the Jedi and Kylo Ren: Fallen Son. It has been stated that at least two entries will be given to Quinn in From a Certain Point of View II, and that he might get his own limited edition comic series.
