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The Kelvar calendar was a calendar used by the majority of the galaxy in the Common and Second Dark Era. The calendar was created during the founding of the Sixth Galactic Republic to re-synchronize the disparaging calendars of the Dark Era that had become inaccurate following the Fall of the Fifth Galactic Republic and the inability to maintain synchronized calendars during the periods of galactic conflict. The Kelvar calendar was named after Jedi Master Occrus Kelvar who created the calendar. It used the Fifth Great Schism as a zero-year.

  • 60 seconds to a minute
  • 60 minutes to an hour
  • 24 hours to a day
  • 5 days to a week
  • 6 weeks to a month
  • 12 months plus 4 days to a year

The calendar succeeded the Syntic calendar and was partially supplanted by the Imperial calendar.
