The Tomb Guard at Keltrayu's Tomb was an honor guard of Massassi warriors charged with maintaining the security of the facility and providing honors during the interment of fallen Centurions of the Order of Keltrayu.
Among the Massassi warriors of the Golden Empire, selection to the Tomb Guard was considered the among the most prestigious honors which could be given, dwarfing even membership in the elite 11th Massassi Cohort and equaled only by service in the Massassi Guard. Applications exponentially outnumbered acceptances to the unit. All Guards had flawless service records, and most had combat experience and decorations for valor. Appointments to the Guard were made with the joint approval of the current Guard Commander and the Prefect of the Order of Keltrayu.
Guards maintained the physical security of Keltrayu's Tomb, directing visitors and ejecting troublemakers. Guards were stationed both inside and outside the Tomb, day and night, in all weather. When Centurions were not available (usually during wartime), members of the Tomb Guard acted as an escort for the caskets of Centurions being laid to rest in the Tomb.
During the Battle of Keliso in the Nightmare War, a small group of Skavik and two Vyrak Legionnaires came into the vicinity of the Tomb. Sealing the building, the entire Tomb Guard assembled to repel the invaders, and though they suffered casualties at the lightsabers of the Anzati, they were successful in defending the Tomb. As a special honor, Prefect Eskol Kaartinen allowed the bodies of the slain Guards to lie in honor in the Tomb before they were transported to Kavez Massass for burial, and Prime Legate Sorrik awarded the entire Guard the Commended Unit Ribbon.
Uniforms and Equipment[]
Tomb Guards wore heavily stylized but functional armor in red, green, and blue, the colors of the Order of Keltrayu. Alone in the Empire, they were the only beings who could legally wear the Emblem of the Order apart from actual Centurions; Guards wore the Emblem embossed on their chestplates.
Exterior Guards carried heavy blaster rifles and double-bladed vibroglaives. Interior Guards carried the vibroglaives and blaster pistols. The Guards trained regularly with their weapons, and were expected to be proficient in both marksmanship and melee combat.