Kelbo was a Nikto that was a common patron of Chalmun's Cantina and a Mass Murderer who was wanted on more than fifty-two systems.
Kelbo was a well known Bounty Hunter around 1 ABY. He was also an Assassin. He was often hired by Jabba the Hutt to go out and kill Black Sun Syndicate Vigos. His most famous catch was Naadaa Gaaskii, a Rodian Black Sun Vigo. He also killed the Vigo's Majordomo Krussk, who was an Old Republic Jedi. Kelbo was able to disarm the Lightsaber wielding Trandoshan with his bare hands, and then use the lightsaber to disembowel Krussk. When Kelbo returned to Jabbas' Palace with Gaaskii's head, he discovered Jabba had been killed by Ziro the Hutt. Using Krussk's lightsaber again Kelbo sliced off Ziro's head, and gave it to Jabba's father Zorba the Hutt. Zorba ate it. During the New Republic Kelbo wanted to test his skill in combat with a famous Jedi Master like Kyle Katarn. Kelbo tried to lure Katarn to Rodia by kidnapping Kyle's wife Jan Ors Katarn. However, Katarn sensed the plot through the force, and waited for Kelbo to arrive. When he did, Kyle attacked him, and the two entered a saber duel, with Kyle as the winner, lopping off Kelbo's head.
Personality and Traits[]
Kelbo was a Mass Murderer, usually killing off entire family in sick and inhumane ways, usually torturing them. He would usually kill adult males and male children by simply cutting off their heads. After that he would squeeze them through a Tree Shredder.
In the real star wars universe Kelbo was just a background character in Chalmun's Cantina during the Star Wars Holiday Special.