Your powers are weak, old man.
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Keenah Marsen was a human male ace TIE pilot in the Imperial Navy. Serving the Galactic Empire with skill, he was selected by Darth Vader to be in his elite Black Eight Squadron. Keenah was a lieutenant.
At some point, Keenah enlisted in the Imperial Navy. He graduated from the Anaxes military academy at the rank of lieutenant.
After serving in the Navy for a while, Keenah became an ace pilot. He worked in Swan Squadron. Vader, noticing his skills, recruited him for the elite Black Eight Squadron, his personal pilots. Keenah carried out missions for him with other squadron pilots, like Marek Vaiken Stele, Mia Ikova, and others.
His most notable mission during the Galactic Civil War was taking out Vice Admiral Berrus, a traitorous Imperial officer.