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The Kazokan Mon was a form of currency that was circular in shape and minted from the metal Edo, found within Azuma's mountains on the Inner Rim world Kazoku. It was used as the official currency of the Shogunate Commission and were used in trade.
During the Old Republic era, the Galactic Republic determined that 1 Kazokan Mon was equal to 0.73 Galactic Credit Standard, this decreased and increased over time but generally remained close to its original conversion rate. This did not bother the Kazokans at all since the Shogunate Commission had a stockpile of Galactic Credits, which they used to purchase off-world goods and to export the planet's popular Blue Wine drink. Kazokan Mon would also be found in other parts of the galaxy as well since visitors of the Kazokan system were given a visitor's gift that consisted of 1000 Kazokan Mon and three bottles of Blue Wine. By the time of the Clone Wars, 1 Kazokan Mon was equal to 0.68 Galactic Credit Standard.