Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Kazokan were a Human race from the planet Kazoku in the Inner Rim Territories. They were a warrior race who valued honour above all else and as a result were bound to a code of strict rules and regulations, similar to Mandalorians. When humans first settled on Kazoku, they became farmers and colonized the planet, spreading to the other continents. Over the course of a century, these settlers developed their own unique language and later its alphabet, to differentiate themselves from other Inner Rim worlds, and became known as Kazokans by 22,000 BBY. Kazokans created clans which identified families on the planet.

Society and culture[]

Kazokans in the galaxy[]

Throughout the Old Republic era to the Clone Wars, there would be Kazokans who ventured out of the Kazokan system and lived elsewhere in the galaxy. These Kazokans would be referred to as Ronins.

Viius Thane was considered a Ronin after 61 BBY when he was taken from his home world by Jedi Master Vessa Varanee. Upon his arrival to Coruscant, he was given the name Viius Thane because he could not keep his ancestral name due to Kazokan customs and tradition. During the Kazokan Campaign, when it was discovered that Viius was a Kazokan, natives would refer to him by his adopted name and not his ancestral name, but members of the Kawamura Clan referred to him as Yuzuru.

Force-sensitive Kazokans[]

Kazokans that possessed a connection to the Force were known as Raiko, noted for their superb reflexes, exceptional combat awareness, and unusual, "supernatural" abilities such as telekinesis, which made Raiko formidable warriors in Kazokan culture. However, Kazokans born with sensitivity to the Force was a rare occurrence, which led to Raiko being regarded as mystical warriors.
