Aside for the Sith, the Zabrak have ever been one of our most tranquil, balanced peoples. Still though... the horns are always a bit spooky.
—Tyran Jedicho, Ethereal travel guide
Kaz-Ouc were a race of Zabrak native to the Ethereal Demesnes, taken like a number of species from the greater galaxy to the region millennia before the foundation of the Old Republic. There, located primarily on the world of Cinnericium, the Kaz-Ouc came to be among the Grand Duchy of Cinnericium's more reliable justice officials and police, forming a large proportion of the Ethereal Military's Grey Knights along with certain other non-Human peoples of the area, particularly the Ethereal races of Sith who, much like the Kaz-Ouc, were more peaceful and cooperative than their counterparts elsewhere in the galaxy. The Kaz-Ouc also often acted as Cinnerician artists and architects, as oftentimes the art style they used was considered to be more "exotic" or "fancy" than the planet's norms from the perspective of the native Ethereal Human population. However, while the Kaz-Ouc did spread to a number of worlds in the region, they were ironically less keen to expand their settlements around the area here as a result of their lessened instincts for independence and self-determination relative to their Iridonian and Dathomirian cousins.