Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Ussej Padric Bac: “You're a good friend, Kavari.
Kavari Antrell: “Just doing my job.
Ussej Padric Bac and Kavari Antrell

Kavari Antrell was a Jedi Master born in 3,960 BBY, during the times of the Old Republic. During the Great Territorial War, he led the strike force that stopped Lord Devlin and the Dematri and later fought alongside Remer Ather during the First Battle for Coruscant until the Jedi were forced to retreat. He was then assigned to be the assistant watchman of Onderon that reported to Ussej Padric Bac. Weeks later, Kavari fought at the Great Jedi Pyramid in the Final Battle for Coruscant that saw the end of the Great Territorial War with a victory for the Galactic Republic.

After serving for ten years as the Watchman of Onderon, Kavari was made a member of the Jedi Council at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He was a Jedi and military advisor during the Great Rim Lines War that saw the forces of the Republic and the Jedi fighting against those of the Third Sith Empire and the Mandalorian Clans. Five years later, he served as a political advisor during the United Pirate Crusades that saw the United Mobus Resistance and the Pirate Guilds fighting against the forces of the Mandalorian Clans and the Chiss Ascendancy. Eight years later, he passed away in his sleep.


The Great War[]

After a Jedi team on Uvena Prime and Uvena III discovered that the Third Sith Empire had returned in much larger numbers than the Jedi Order had suspected, another threat emerged on Onderon. The former Sith Lord Devlin reappeared on Onderon with his Dematri warriors in an effort to use their Hex Canons against Kyra Maans, the Queen of Onderon at the time. As they attempted to turn the weapons on the palace, Kavari led a squadron of Jedi Knights into the base of the main weapon and was able to stop Devlin’s men before they fired it. They decided to shut it down rather than destroy it, as Kavari believed that they could learn a great deal from it. Despite Kavari’s best efforts, however, Devlin was able to escape, though many of his men were taken into custody.

Kavari was later assigned to the Great Jedi Pyramid on Coruscant. When the Sith attacked the capital, Kavari traveled with Remer Ather to help defend the Galactic Senate. When Remer gave the order to charge the Sith forces, an order that Kavari personally disagreed with, Kavari stayed close as a guard for his superior. Within moments, Sith artillery moved into the area and began a slaughter of dozens of Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters. Knowing that he had to protect the life of a Jedi Council member, Kavari escorted Remer, despite the latter’s requests, to the higher levels of a nearby building where they were forcfed to watch the Sith forces overtake the area. Shortly thereafter, the order to retreat from Coruscant was given by the Supreme Chancellor and the Jedi Council.

When Damien Nightblade ordered the Jedi to scatter to different sectors of the galaxy, Kavari was ordered to Onderon to act as the assistant watchman of the planet. In his duty, he was required to report only to Ussej Padric Bac, who in turn would report to Queen Arael Maans. Though he did not understand why the Jedi Order would assign anyone to the planet that once housed the Galactic Empress, he carried out his duties. One such duty included informing Ussej that the queen wished to speak to him about a very important matter, a matter which Kavari assumed had to do with Laili Jeyna Rendar as he had seen Ussej enter her quarters the night before.


Less than one week after delivering the message to Ussej about the queen, Kavari found that an order had been given by Damien for the major Republic fleets to converge on and attack Korriban. When Kavari told Damien that the fleets were assembled as he requested, Damien told him that he gave no such order. Damien and Kavari quickly realized that Ussej had fabricated the orders and that he was leading the Republic fleet into the lion’s den, possibly into a trap. In the end, however, the only major Republic ship that was lost was the flagship, which was destroyed when Darth Ravinos activated the self-destruct sequence.

Weeks later, during the final battle of Coruscant, Kavari was ordered to fight and to defend the Great Jedi Pyramid alongside Nem’Vaah Master Ranka Darkbroode and Jedi Master Nor-Lek. They were able to repel the majority of the forces within the building, but as they began to savor their victory Darth Apocalus ordered his flagship to fire on the building. The pyramid began to crumble down around them, but Ranka, Kavari and the others were able to escape before the building telescoped in upon itself.

After Ranka disappeared into the dust, Kavari led the remainder of the Jedi out to safety. After tending to the wounded, he helped Ussej, Aletra Jekkura and the fatally wounded Kit Corwin Rendar flee the planet aboard Mathias Helsdain’s vessel. As the vessel took off, the news came in that Empress Viea and Darth Apocalus had been killed. The Mandalorians soon arrived around the planet and attacked the Sith, forcing the empire to retreat back to Korriban. With that, the battle was won and the Great Territorial War was over.

Later years[]

After the war ended, the Jedi Order regrouped on Coruscant and began their rebuilding process. Kavari was tasked with repelling many small insurgent counter-attacks from the Sith in the weeks after the war until the Sith finally surrendered and admitted defeat. After the official signing of the declarations of surrender, Kavari returned to Onderon where he took over Ussej’s former position of Watchman of Onderon, a position he held for nearly ten years.

After his ten year appointment as the Watchman of Onderon ended, Kavari was assigned to the newly constructed Jedi Temple on Coruscant where he was given a seat on the Jedi Council. He held the seat for decades and lived to see the entirety of the Great Rim Lines War and the United Pirate Crusades, giving sage advice to the military and to the Jedi Knights fighting in the conflicts. Eight years after the closing of the United Pirate Crusades, Kavari passed away in his sleep. He was cremated the next day and his ashes were buried next to the remains of his father.

Behind the scenes[]

Kavari Antrell was created by the authors Victor Dorantes and Brandon Rhea, after the latter requested making homage to the Antrell family in Shadows of the Jedi: The Legend of Ussej Padric Bac. In the novel, Kavari received a full fledged appearance. Kavari Antrell was the first collaboration between the two authors, but remains only as a part of Brandon Rhea's Alternative Star Wars Saga.


  • Shadows of the Jedi: The Legend of Ussej Padric Bac (First appearance)