Kasell Sozzo was a male part-Theelin hybrid enslaved by the Besadii kajidic. In Besadii servitude, he met and fell in love with Daji Geiss; the two longed to escape together, but, due to their beautiful singing voices and appealing bodies, were put directly in service to Vagbo Besadii Kambcha, head of the kajidic, in the Opulent Palace of the Kajidii. Like Daji, Kasell heard many stories of the Jedi Knights, but had never met one himself.
That changed in 1,384 BBY, when Tirien Kal-Di and Narasi Rican visited the Opulent Palace, seeking a favor from the Hutt Ruling Council. Kasell and Daji were sent to the Jedi to provide whatever services were demanded, but were surprised and cautiously intrigued by the Jedi's refusal to use them for their bodies. Daji pleaded with Narasi to help them escape, and, despite their need to not offend the Hutts, Narasi eventually persuaded Tirien to try.
Both Daji and Kasell had implanted slave tracking devices, but Kasell knew the location of his, having previously received an x-ray for a chest cold. Tirien managed to precisely stab and disable Daji's, but though he stabbed Kasell's as well, something went wrong and it triggered. Tirien used his Force powers to contain the shrapnel, but some of the explosion's heat still seared Kasell's heart and lung. Despite the considerable pain, he committed to escaping the palace and fleeing to the Republic embassy, where Republic Intelligence Station Chief Ivalo Cerwyn would transport them offworld.