Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

You can teach a child to recite a passage perfectly, but true understanding comes from leading them to the truth in such a manner that they arrive there themselves.
—Lord Karros

The Karrossi Method, also known as the Elenctic Method, was the name given to the form of inquiry and discussion between Sith philosophers, based on the use of questions to stimulate critical thinking and examine the strength of a philosopher's position. It was a dialectical methodology, wherein one philosopher would pose questions to the other regarding his respective views and thus bring to light the inherent strengths and weaknesses of his position.

Lord Karros, the Pureblood Sith Lord responsible for the method's widespread use among his followers, believed that the use of an interrogative-based method would help uncover truths about the Force while simultaneously serving to eradicate contradictory notions of belief. After his death, the Karrossi spread his methodology to the greater Sith ranks and continued to utilize the method in their own studies.

Behind the scenes[]

The Karrossi Method is a direct reference to the famous Socratic Method espoused by Greek thinker Socrates, who believed that knowledge of truth could be arrived at through careful study in the form of questioning.

