Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Kariya Fenn was a female Twi'lek who was part of the Jedi Order, as the Jedi Padawan of Xak-Van Uyrnom. During the Clone Wars, she led a contingent of the 501st Legion with her master, as well as Commander CC-5000 ("Bow"). They fought with distinction during the conflict, and survived up until the end of the war in 19 BBY. That year, Order 66 was issued to the clone troopers, and the Galactic Republic was reformed into the Galactic Empire. When she witnessed Commander Bow execute her master, Fenn pleaded to the clone to let her go. Bow hesitated, and she used the moment to Force Push him into a wall before fleeing. Officially, Fenn was listed as MIA in Imperial records.

However, she was captured by Zygerrian slavers and taken to the markets on Orvax IV. While there, Fenn attempted to start a slave revolt, which failed. She survived the revolt, and was sold into slavery to the Planetary Governor as a dancer. Later in 18 BBY, he had the Twi'lek Jedi killed for making a mistake in a task he assigned her.


Early life[]

Fenn was born at an unknown location and date to a couple of staves. While arresting the slavers, a Jedi noticed her to be Force-sensitive. As she was young, he took her to the Jedi Temple, where Fenn passed her trials and was made a Padawan. She was assigned to Master Xak-Van Uyrnom.

Clone Wars[]

Personality and traits[]

Fenn was generally a caring person, and preferred peace over war. She often healed wounded soldiers and civilians at the battlegrounds they visited, and hated the CIS for causing such destruction and chaos. During the Clone Wars, Fenn struck a good friendship with her clone commander, CC-5000, nicknamed "Bow". She fully trusted the clone troopers, and was unwilling to kill them even during Order 66, trying to knock them out. When they executed her master, Fenn pleaded with Bow, thinking that her friendship with him would amount to something. However, he was a patriotic supporter of Palpatine, and thus tried to kill Fenn, to her dismay. She later came to hate the Empire, for making her a slave and killing her master.
