Commander Karbin was a Mon Calamari born on the planet Mon Cala in 52 BBY. In 22 BBY he joined the Seperatist Alliance as a Droid Commander on Geonosis. After leading his battalion into a decisive victory during the battle of Geonosis, he was promoted to captain by General Grievous himself, he commanded a banking clan frigate named the Intimidator. During the battle of Haruun Kal he killed Depa Billaba's second padawan, and three other Jedi Generals, under the guidance of General Grievous. He fought later at the battle of Coruscant, but a squad of clone marines boarded his ship and during the fighting a thermal detonator was thrown his way and blew up his limbs, only his head and most of his torso stayed intact the rest of him was scattered around the bridge. He was saved by droid medics, and put on life support for the next fifteen years, he was stolen by Cylo IV's criminal group in 17 BBY and they gave him a new droid body. For the next seventeen years he waited on life support until his new body was created. Since he was an admirer of General Grievous, they gave him a similar body. They programmed him to be skilled in the Jedi arts, and gave him the four sabers of the jedi he slayed at Haruun Kal. In 0 BBY he was presented by Cylo V to the Emperor as a replacement for Vader. He planned to ambush Vader on Vrogas Vas, but was instead killed by him.