Star Wars Fanon
Kane era
Kane era
Kane Eraicon

901 ABY–1,009 ABY

Approximate dates in other dating systems

Years 1901–2009 after the Ruusan Reformation

Facts and statistics

The Kane era was a measurement of time between 901 ABY and 1,009 ABY.

Timeline of the Period[]

  • 901 ABY
    • Darth Kreka becomes Emperor of the Sith Empire, and declares war on the Galactic Federation of free alliances, beggining the Third Galactic Civil War
  • 995 ABY
  • 996 ABY
    • Kane begins Chancellatorial Campaign, but fails in an election against Girf Lordox.
    • Kane leads a military coup, and declares a New Empire. Half of the Federation stands with him, and half rebels. Kane is pushed from Coruscant
    • Kane's Sith Empire declares war on the remains of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
  • 1007 ABY
    • Anakin Kenobi is reborn
    • The Third Yuuzhan Vong Empire and the Galactic Federation Remnant unite against Kane
    • Battle of New Alderaan
    • Jason Skywalker truns to the Dark Side
    • Girf Lordox Surrenders to the Empire
    • Second Sacking of Coruscant