Star Wars Fanon

Good soldiers follow orders.
—The Palpatine clone in the face of a surviving Mace Windu[1]

The Kamino Palpatine clone, originally designated as CT-0066, was one of a dozen of Palatine clones to which Sheev Palpatine transferred his consciousness when about to die on Death Star II in 4 ABY.

Unlike the Exegol Palpatine clone or the Geonosis Palpatine clone, the Kamino Palpatine clone was not Force-sensitive. In effect, he suffered with depression. Although deprived of his abilities, he took less than a year to deploy a secret plan of taking Kamino over. By becoming the planet's Prime Minister, he became the ex-officio Emperor of the Kamino Galactic Empire, a position which in fact bore little to no resemblance to the power he had once wielded.

The Kamino Palpatine clone long strove to remove his inhibitor chip, as it considerably limited his free will. During his face-off with a surviving Mace Windu, the chip had the clone kill the adversary, saying that "good soldiers follow orders."

14 years after the Battle of Yavin, the Palpatine clone ordered the production of a Palpatine Clone Army. In order to bring the clones to life, he was intent on conducting a spirit transfer, which he never succeeded at due to his Force-insensitivity. That incident left the clone with another depression episode. The clone eventually died in 16 ABY in an unsuccessful attempt to remove his inhibitor chip.



The Kamino Palpatine clone was produced years before the outbreak of the Clone Wars. He was one among the clones ordered by the Jedi Master Syfo-Dyas to make up the Grand Army of the Republic. Because CT-0066 was one of the first, most primitive pieces, his delivery was never effected. Nevertheless, the fetus developed rather promisingly, to the point of reaching adulthood and entering into a state of hibernation despite still being in an artificial uterus. As his umbilical cord was never cut, the clone was provided with both oxygen and nutrition, as well as a means of defecating the latter.[1]

Spirit transfer[]

In 4 ABY, Palpatine proper found himself on board of Death Star II. During the Battle of Endor, he remained in a local throne room of his, wherefrom he happened to be dropped into a pretty deep shaft. On his way down, the Emperor considered possible hosts for his spirit. Before his body hit the ground, he had come up with 56 such vessels. As he was falling rather quickly, though, the transfer session was not complete. Therefore, it stood at only a dozen clones scattered throughout the galaxy.[1]

One of the clones that Palpatine proper transferred his consciousness to was CT-0066. Having possessed the clone's body, Palpatine's spirit got out of the artificial uterus rather fast. As the Grand Chancellor of the Republic, Palpatine visited Kamino for several times. Therefore, the newly awakened clone decided to use his wardrobe and put on a chancellor bathrobe found therein.[1]

Up the promotional ladder[]

This chip is a balast to me. Only through you can I be released from it.
—The clone to the Kaminoans

It came as a shock to Palpatine to realize that during the spirit transfer he lost his Force-sensitiveness. Unwilling to give up, the Palpatine clone devised a super-secret plan of taking control over Kamino, just like he once gained control over the Galactic Republic. Within one year, the Palpatine clone ascended to the rank of a planetary prime minister. Consequently, he entered into a form of alliance with neighboring planets, somewhat vassalizing them. This way, he established the Kamino Galactic Empire, whose ex officio head was the Prime Minister of Kamino (him).[1]

Over the two following years, the Palpatine clone was on antidepressants due to the pain that the loss of Force-sensitiveness had brought to him. At his psychiatrist's suggestion, he decided to pull himself together as soon as the medication was over. He ordered that the Kaminoans produce him a set of accessories that he could use as a fair substitute of the Force. Henceforth, he would wear lightning-emitting bracelets. Under the skin of his palms, in turn, strong magnets were placed to help him draw metal objects, as he would otherwise do using the Force.[1]

Over the following months, the clone insisted on the Kaminoans removing his inhibitor chip. The Kaminoans, however, paradoxically remained loyal to Palpatine's Galactic Republic self and thus firmly refused. With no other way in sight, the clone sought alternative methods to dispose of the chip. [1]

Conflict with Ahsoka and the Palpatine Diarchy[]

In 9 ABY, the Kaminoan Palpatine found that the Geonosis Palpatine clone and the Coruscant Palpatine clone had decided to merge their empires, establishing the Palpatine Diarchy, which could pose a threat to the Kamino clone's power. Before he could confront his alter egos, the Kamino clone first wanted to have his chip removed. Therefore, he ordered a few bounty hunters to kidnap Ahsoka Tano, whom he knew to possess such a skill. As soon as Lady Tano appeared before Palpatine, his inhibitor chip told him to kill her, but she managed to escape after all. After the incident, the Palpatine clone had a depression relapse, coming to terms with the fact there was no chance for his chip to be removed.[1]

Meanwhile, the Palpatine Diarchy was of no more concern to the Kamino Palpatine, as Palpatine of Geonosis had died during a misconducted spirit transfer and Palpatine of Coruscant was arrested by the New Republic.[1]

Confrontation with Mace Windu[]

We can't let him stay alive!
—The surviving Mace Windu[1]

In 10 ABY, the secret detention facility where the Coruscant Palpatine clone was kept was stormed by a surviving Mace Windu. The Jedi Master wanted to take revenge on Palpatine by killing out all his clones. He managed to Force the Coruscant sedimen into telling him that one of the target clones was on Kamino. Eventually, Windu killed the Coruscant clone and headed for Kamino.[1]

Windu walked in on Palpatine sitting on his throne. Before he could strike, though, the Palpatine clone's inhibitor chip activated and ordered the clone to kill Mace Windu, which the clone quickly dealt with using his lightning-generating bracelets.[1]

Palpatine Clone Army and a depression relapse[]

In 14 ABY, the Kamino Palpatine clone ordered that a Palpatine Clone Army be created. The Kaminoans made a total of 1200 bodies. They were ready to fight, except that to breathe life into them a spirit transfer was necessary. The Palpatine clone could not accomplish it due to his Force-insensitiveness. Eventually, the bodies of the Palpatine clone troopers remained unalive, and the Kamino Palpatine clone had another depression relapse, overwhelmed in sadness and hopelessness.[2]

Operation and death[]

In 16 ABY, depressed by the still working inhibitor chip, the Palpatine clone opted for an experimental operation by a insubordinate Kaminoan. The operation was successful, but the patient died.[1]

Post mortem[]

The Kamino Galactic Empire continued in spite of its founding father's death. In 35 ABY, it was Alpaha Su who ascended to the position of the planetary Prime Minister, becoming Kamino Galactic Emperor ex officio. During Alpaka Su's tenure, the Moraband Palpatine clone was killed by Anaakin Skywalker. A few minutes before dying, the Moraband clone achieved was his Kamino counterpart never had; that is, he transferred his consciousness over to the Palpatine Clone Army. In 36 ABY, Alpaka Su broadcast a galaxy-wide transmission in which he demanded capitulation from the Just People, the heir to the New Republic and the Resistance. The Just People attempted to destroy Kamino using a Xyston-class Star Destroyer, though the Palpatines stroke back with Force-lightning from the planet's surface. Thus, they caused widespread damage to the Star Destroyer that killed the whole personnel, including General Poe Dameron. The damaged ship tumbled onto the surface, and the Palpatines managed to put it back together. Along with Alpaha Su, they consequently abandoned the planet. Soon, the Palpatines intended to use their Force-lightning to destroy Tatooine, the planet they somehow knew Rey Palpatine was on. The girl, however, deflected the beam with the newly unearthed lightsabers of Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker Organa Solo. Not until then did a purgil herd left hypersapce at Landonis Balthazar Calrissian's order and took the destroyer along somewhere unknown.[2]

Personality and skills[]

The Palpatine clone's personality was much like that of Palpatine proper. Unlike the original, however, the clone struggled with depression due to the loss of his Force-sensitiveness.[1]

The loss of Force-sensitiveness made the clone seek alternatives, such as lightning-generating bracelets that he used for Force lightning.[1]

Physical appearance[]

Like every clone soldier, the Palpatine clone was tan. He was palm and had brown eyes and snow-white teeth. On a daily basis, he would wear a bathrobe he had left on Kamino back as Chancellor of the Republic.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Kamino Palpatine clone is the main character of a non-existent young-adult novel titled Star Wars Palpatine: A Clone Unleashed.


Notes and references[]
