Star Wars Fanon

Jedi Master Kam Solusar was the headmaster of the Jedi Praxeum in Luke Skywalker's absence. He was married to Tionne Solusar. He was Jacob Nion's Master. After the Sith attacked the Praxeum, Solusar and Nion were captured. He was freed, along with all the other Jedi prisoners, when Wraith Squadron launched a rescue mission.


Early life[]

Kam Solusar was born to Jedi Knight Ranik Solusar and his wife in 22 BBY, the year the Clone Wars broke out in the galaxy. Solusar was raised by Ranik's wife in safety, but when Order 66 was executed, Ranik was killed and his wife and son were placed on a wanted list. Kam was eventually found and captured by the Empire, and his mother was killed. Darth Vader took the young Solusar under his wing and trained him secretly.

Service to the Empire[]

At age eighteen, four years before the Battle of Yavin, Solusar became a member of the Inquisitorius. He was responsible for hunting down potential Jedi, especially young ones. Kam's childhood memories had been blasted from his mind by fifteen years of dark side training, and he felt no remorse as he captured young Jedi and took them in for indoctrination.

However, his career as an Inquisitor ended when he found a holo-recording of his father facing down Darth Vader, dying to protect his wife and child. Solusar, horrified at what had happened, left the Empire behind and went into hiding.

Life in Hiding[]

For years after leaving the Empire, Kam ran from planet to planet, never staying in one place for very long. Several times, members of the Rebel Alliance tried to recruit Kam, but he always refused; he wanted to stay out of the conflict with the Empire altogether.

Kam used his Force abilities scarcely, and when he did it was for purely personal gain—he would mind trick hostel owners to give him a free night in a room, or use telekinesis to steal credits from people on the streets.

Meeting Luke Skywalker[]

Kam was able to stop running in 4 ABY, when the Emperor and Darth Vader died. In 6 ABY, Solusar was approached by a man named Luke Skywalker, who told Kam that he was trying to restore the Jedi Order. Kam was initially wary of Skywalker, but to honor his father's memory, Kam agreed to become Skywalker's apprentice. Skywalker began training Kam using Jedi holocrons he'd found in the years since the Emperor died.

One of their first missions together involved fighting one of the last remnants of the Empire on Muunilinst. The leader of the Imperial group, a Force-sensitive woman named Lumiya, had been one of the Emperor's Hands, a secret group of Dark Jedi serving Palpatine personally. While the battle on Muunilinst raged, Luke and Kam engaged Lumiya and killed her. Gilad Pellaeon, the commander of Lumiya's naval forces, surrendered and agreed to a peace treaty with the New Republic.

