Star Wars Fanon
This article is about the Jedi, Kalifa Aksanos. You may be looking for other uses of the name Kalifa.
Rise of the Empire era

What are you doing?
—Kalifa Aksanos[src]

Kalifa Aksanos was a female Human Jedi Knight hailing from the planet Corellia. At age three, she was kidnapped by Sith Lord Darth Plagueis and trained her in the Dark side. Eleven years later, Jedi Master Aayla Secura came to Korriban and rescued her. At some point during the Clone Wars, she strangely turned to the dark side. She was later turned back to the light side by Ahsoka Tano.


Early life[]

In 36 BBY, Kalifa was born in her family home on Corellia. When she was three years old, Darth Plagueis came to her homeworld and kidnapped her to train her in the ways of the Sith. After she was kidnapped, her aunt Emily moved to Naboo. For the next eleven years, she was trained by Darth Plagueis until Aayla Secura came to Korriban to investigate rumors of a Sith Army. When Secura landed on the planet, she was captured by six Sith Warriors led by Kalifa. Secura was tortured by Darth Plagueis, a few days after Kalifa was guarding Secura. After two days, Kalifa freed Secura and together, they destroyed the Sith Temple and escaped the planet. Later on at the Jedi Temple, Secura asked if she could train Kalifa, the Jedi Council let Secura train her. Two years later, Kalifa became a Jedi Knight.

