The Kaiburr crystal was an ancient relic of great importance to both the Gungan Empire and the Humans of Utapau. The Gungan Empire believed that it was a relic that contained healing power from the Gungan Gods. The Humans, on the other hand, believed that it was placed on Utapau by a disciple of a Dark Jedi called Xendor. Neither of the stories were proven by the Gungans, the Humans or any outsiders.[1]
Two years before the Invasion of Utapau, Gungan Prince Jar Binks was put in charge of guarding the relic. When a female colleague, who was secretly working with the Humans, approached him at his post, she was able to distract him long enough for a small group of Humans to steal it. The female was executed for treason, and Binks was banished from Otoh Gunga forever and was stripped of his title of Crowned Prince.[1]
Behind the scenes[]
The Kaiburr crystal was based on the canon Kaiburr crystal in name only, as author Brandon Rhea took the name from the original drafts of the Star Wars saga. He then formulated his own story about it.