Star Wars Fanon

Kaden Rand was a human male Jedi student who for a time served as the Revanchist of Tatooine for the Dark Jedi Order.


Kaden Rand was born into a family of moisture farmers on Tatooine, living on the outskirts of Anchorhead. He briefly attended the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 for a time before returning to Tatooine to help his wife raise their children. When his family was killed by Tusken Raiders however, Rand was left without direction or cause. As such, when he was approached by the mysterious Revanchist, he saw no reason not to join the Dark Jedi Order.

As a Revanchist, Rand was tasked with guarding the Star Map of Tatooine to prevent the Glorians from using it to build their own Star Forge. In 35 ABY, he encountered a team of Jedi and Alliance soldiers on Tatooine and saved them from the Glorians hiding out at Tosche Station, before commanding them to stay out of the Order's affairs. He was later recalled to Dromund Kaas, where the rest of the Order was gathered, and was present when Kane Skywalker visited them at their request.

Following the end of the Glorian War, the Dark Jedi Order was disbanded and Rand ended up rejoining the New Jedi Order, completing his training and ascending to the rank of Jedi Knight.

