Ve are ztill dizcriminated againzt! My brotherz face dizcrimination vherever they go! Ve are targetz of thugz and raciztz, mobz of racizt alienz beat my brotherz up every night! Ve are chazed out of zhopz and barz and ve are treated like animalz! Ve are zentientz and therefore ve have the right not to be dizcriminated againzt! I beg you, help me and my brotherz!
—Jyoznarr trying to get the Senate to make Anti-N'Akkiarlianism illegal
Jyoznarr 'Burr-Hureg was the first ever foreign ambassador for the N'Akkiarlians and their galaxy. He was chosen by his King to be the King's representative in 1,037 ABY at the age of 32, when the N'Akkiarlians rejoined the Coruscant Galaxy. He campaigned for the good of his people, and against Anti-N'Akkiarlian speciesism.
He was the reason why Anti-N'Akkiarlianism was outlawed and he was also important in Human-N'Akkiarlian relations and was one of the founders of the Coruscant Republic-N'Akkiarlian Star Empire Alliance. He had respect and liking of his baseline human cousins, except the Anti-N'Akkiarlian ones, he thought baseline humans from the Coruscant Galaxy should go to the N'Akkiarl Galaxy to see what their extra-galactic kin were capable of, he believed that if the N'Akkiarlians and there human brothers from the Coruscant Galaxy co-operated then it could be the foundations of a brand-new Homo-N'Akkiarlian "family" empire, one which covered two galaxies.
He was assisted by his political aide, O'o'ozazani A-Eugarmarr, he was helped in domestic work by his two faithful Ingzan human servants, Michael Ollosen and Ruby Sedris, Michael and Ruby loved their master and obediently served Jyoznarr, they asked if they could be buried in their master's tomb upon their deaths, so that they may serve and bow before their master for the rest of time.
They are good servants, they obediently zerve their mazter and they bow down to me az they rezpect and love me, hiz mazter. I love both of them a lot and i care very much for them. I think of them as part of my family.
—Jyoznarr speaking about his servants
Jyoznarr was a descendant of Vyyzgalak 'Burr-Hureg and Hólóká Zerego, Vyyzgalak was a war hero from N'Akkiral Major who moved to Earth following its discovery, where he founded both branches of the 'Burr-Hureg family around the year 50,000 BBY, Vyyzgalak served as a general in the N'Akkiarlian rebel army during the N'Akkiarlian war for freedom, shortly after the war they decided to emigrate to the newly discovered planet of 'Ei-Zonnox and settle there, during this time Vyyzgalak secretly took part in what became known as the "Great Birthing", a policy of mass procreation by the N'Akkiarlians with the native humans, by amazing coincidence Vyyzgalak bedded a member of the Zerego family, at that time the most powerful family on the planet, as a result of this secret union the 'Burr-Hureg family became blood relatives of the Zerego family, and by extension, the Zarkan family, the descendants of the Zerego family. In addition to being the maternal ancestor to both of the Zerego and Zarkan families, Hólóká also had a N'Akkiarlian child to Vyyzgalak, the Homo-N'Akkiarlian ancestor of Jyoznarr 'Burr-Hureg and his branch of the 'Burr-Hureg family.
By 45,000 BBY his family was serving N'g'iro Colony of the Mzenran Empire, which ruled them, but later changed support for the State of N'Akkiarl, the 'Burr-Hureg family was part of the leadership of the pro-N'Akkiarl Alliance N'g'iran Freedom Fighters, the family thought of it is fighting for their freedom, and lead the N'g'iran freedom fighters.
Jyoznarr was interested in politics because he wanted to see different places, cultures and beings, he decided politics was a good way to do this. He went to university and pass with flying colours, after starting a family and travelling the galaxy he was made the first Imperial Ambassador' by the King, he served for 40 years with distinction, giving our people equal rights in the Coruscant Republic. He was a great, kind man who loved his people and his human brothers, i'm so proud to be descended from him!
—Hyxta 'Burr-Hureg, a descendant of Jyoznarr, speaking about the political carrer of his great ancestor in 7,948 ABY
Jyoznarr 'Burr-Hureg was born to Xynata 'Burr-Hureg and J'a'kani U-Zakala, into the powerful upper-class 'Burr-Hureg family on N'Akkiarl Minor in 1,005 ABY ABY and was interested in politics from the age of 10. He wished that one day he could travel through-out the galaxy and meet new races. He decided that a career in politics was the best chance he had of traveling the stars. However he sadly realised that he could only become a local politician, racism against non-white/black N'Akkiarlians meant he couldn't become a higher-level politician because he was purple.
In 1,021 ABY, at the age of 16, he went to university and studied politics, after leaving university in 1,025 ABY at the age of 20 and completing the Test of Adulthood he decided to travel the galaxy to see new places and cultures, he spent the next 12 years travelling the Empire with his servants.
Only a month after he returned home from his travels in 1,037 ABY he was contacted by one of King King Ukvo 'Kre-Kezkan's aides who told him the King requested an audience. The King wished for him to become Imperial Ambassador to the Coruscant Republic and represent him and his people in a government in another galaxy which had given them permission to join.
The thought of traveling to a different galaxy and helping his people meant he couldn't refuse the offer (however he also couldnt refuse the offer because his king, his master, had requested he become Imperial Ambassador'). He moved to Coruscant's Ambassadorial District with his family and his servant where he lived for another 10 years during his term as Imperial Ambassador.
He was renowned for being the first ever N'Akkiarlian ambassador in the Coruscant galaxy's galactic senate. He was in office for 10 years during which he started many campaigns against the racism against his people and of their exclusion from many parts of galactic life.
During his time on Coruscant he fell in love with a human woman called Alis Dart, they married each other and had children. Alis Dart's blood was the beginning of the 'Burr-Hureg family's Human lineage, every one of Jyoznarr's descendants also possessed her blood, the Homo-N'Akkiarlian blood was a source of pride for Jyonzarr and Alis' descendants, their descendants played a significant part in ending the prejudice against the Homo-N'Akkiarla.
Alis and Jyoznarr loved each other very dearly, both would hug and cuddle each other frequently, they would often sleep in each others arms. Alis was deeply devoted to her husband, and loved him with every fibre of her being, Jyoznarr was similarly deeply devoted to Alis.
He was successful in most of them and the Anti-N'Akkiarlianism Bill which was a milestone in sentient rights was of his design, as was the Human-N'Akkiarlian Brotherhood Treaty, an alliance between Humanity and the N'Akkiarla, and the Coruscant Republic-N'Akkiarlian Star Empire Alliance, alliance between the Coruscant Republic and the N'Akkiarlian Star Empire.
In the year 1,047 ABY—after being in office exactly 10 years the 42-year old ambassador retired as Imperial Ambassador and returned back to his home planet with his family. He succeed the king in 1,065 ABY, who had died without an heir, and he was proclaimed King-Emperor 'Burr-Hureg.
Hail King-Emperor Jyoznarr 'Burr-Hureg! All kneel down to him!
—Jyoznarr's aide when Jyoznarr was made king
Jyoznarr was King-Emperor for a further 50 years until he died at the age of 110 in 1,115 ABY. In 1,100 ABY, at the age of 95, he entered his Empire into alliance with both the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire (with whom the N'Akkiarlian Star Empire already had an alliance with) and the House of Dezendyan (whom they were indirectly allied to by the alliance with the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire) which was the Imperial Tripartite Alliance. The ITA fought the Rebellion against the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire and the Dezendyan-Vás Feud of 1,129 ABY-1,130 ABY. His wife lived for another year before dying at the age of 112 in 1,116 ABY, she was buried alongside her husband in his tomb, at the request of his will.
When he died his eldest son Tregero 'Burr-Hureg succeeded him as king. A week of mourning was declared in honour of him, this was observed by N'Akkiarlians and some Humans. He was declared a N'Akkiarlian hero and had a statue of him built in his honour.
His political career inspired one of his descendants, Hyxta 'Burr-Hureg, to become a politician. Like his great ancestor, Jyoznarr, Hyxta eventually became the Imperial Senator 1,441 ABY, Imperial Senator was the successor to Imperial Ambassador, after the N'Akkiarlians were granted a seat in the Galactic Senate in 1,202 ABY.
Why did I become a politician? I guess my ancestor called Jyoznarr inspired me to become one. He was the first ever Imperial Ambassador of our Empire and people and it was he which made racism against our peoples illegal, and his descendants fought against the prejudice against the Homo-N'Akkiarla, which I am, I possess both N'Akkiarlian and Human blood, and I am equally proud of both! He was a great man and I strive to live up to his legacy!
—Hyxta answering a question on why he became a politician after being made Senator
By the time of the deaths of his great-great-great-great grandchildren around 400 years after his death the 'Burr-Hureg family was spread across two galaxies and consisted of several hundreds of Humans and N'Akkiarlians, many of which claimed that they were of his blood.
After his death he was placed in his tomb, with Alis Dart being buried alongside him within a month, as Jyoznarr had specified in his will, in his will Jyoznarr had written "Should my wife outlive me, I request she may be interred alongside me upon her own death, so that we may be together for eternity, both in this world, and the next."
As previously mentioned, Alis Dart only survived her husband by less than a month, after Jyoznarr made his trip to Heaven she felt deeply depressed and she came down with a painful illness, that of a severe case of "Arrowlung", a viral condition which attacked the lungs, which was dangerous in severe cases, Alis refused medical treatment because she wanted to join her husband in the afterlife.
Life has no joy any more, the light of my life has left me. All I want is to join him again. Please, let me go to my beloved.
—Alis Dart to her doctor
Her children and her doctor agreed to her requests, giving her pain relief until she finally joined Jyoznarr in the afterlife, following her death she was buried along side him.
Oh, Jyoznarr, my dearest, my heart, my time has come. Please, wait for me, I am coming to join you in the afterlife, we will be together forever.
—Alis Dart's last words
According to both near-death experiences and experiences in the hours before death of their subsequent generations, they did meet each other in the afterlife, they were both their younger selves, and were waiting for their descendants to join them.
One day I will join my parents in Heaven, I know it, I have seen them in my dreams, they have told me that one day we shall be together, they have a mansion in Heaven, given to them by Kazi herself. I look forward to the day I can join them there.
—Tregero 'Burr-Hureg on his dreams of meeting Jyoznarr and Alis in Heaven
N'Akkiarlians visited their tomb for many millennia to pay homage to him and his wife. Bnezo 'Noni-Kvarrigarrtirakorr visited their tomb and paid homage to them around 1,400 years after he died.
His descendants continued the 'Burr-Hureg family's tradition of fighting for freedom by being part of the leadership of the N'Akkiarlian Commoners' Liberation Army during the N'Akkiarlian Commoners Revolution of 2,500 ABY, which overthrew the tyranny of the N'Akkiarlian sovereign and replaced the N'Akkiarlian Kingdom Commonwealth and the Third N'Akkiarlian Star Empire with the Second N'Akkiarlian Confederacy.
Personality and traits[]
Ve love humans and vont them to be friends vith uz! Ve zee humanz az our brotherz! I vant humanity to form an alliance vith uz!
—Jyoznarr after being asked why he loves humans and why he tries to get a Homo-N'Akkiarlian alliance
Jyoznarr was highly proud of him and his peoples' history. He considered it an honor to represent them and his king and enjoyed fighting for equality and against the racism the galaxy felt against his brothers.
As a proud descendant of various N'Akkiarlian freedom fighters, his family having fought for freedom as far back as the N'Akkiarl-Mzenra War of 1,000,000 BBY, he considered the Great N'Akkiarlian War to be a mistake, and regretted what his people had done during the war.
He deeply loved both his own people and fought hard to ensure they would be treated fairly, as he was the representative of his King he was the representative of his people. He had respect for his baseline human cousins, except the racist anti-N'Akkiarlian ones, he felt sad about how anti-N'Akkiarlian humans treated their N'Akkiarlian cousins, he felt that since the humans and the N'Akkiarlians were kin they should work together to strengthen their familial relationship. He often begged the Anti-N'Akkiarlians to stop being racist and violent against the N'Akkiarlians.
He hated Anti-N'Akkiarlianism, especially in humans, who he saw as cousins. He especially hated in humans because he thought N'Akkiarlians and Humans were family and shouldn't hate each other.
Couzin, vhy do you hate uz? Ve both come from the zame anceztorz, so vott iz zo different about uz? Our two zpeciez are related through blood and you are azzaulting your own relativez! Ztop being racizt againzt your N'Akkiarlian couzinz and ztrengthen our familial relationzhip!
—Jyoznarr to a racist human thug
His respect for his baseline human relatives was part of the reason why he welcomed them to his galaxy, he believed that since the N'Akkiarla and humans were family they should learn to love each other as such, he wanted to get humans to see what their cousins were capable of making. He also believed that his baseline human cousins would be more eager to join there N'Akkiarlian brothers and a new Homo-N'Akkiarlian Empire could be formed, one which spanned two galaxies.
At 7'3 he was three inches shorter than the average height for a N'Akkiarlian male, which was 7'6 - in N'Akkiarlian terms he wasn't tall but he wasn't short either.
He spoke both N'Akkiarlian and N'Akkiarlian Basic, an accent of Galactic Basic used by the earliest N'Akkiarlian immigrants which died out in the year 6,611 ABY.
He was a good husband to his wife, a good father to his children, a good master to his servants and a good representative for his people.
Jyoznarr had a deep love of his personal starship the Yuhtar Kazina (N'Akkiarlian for Star Girl) a Dezendyan Shipyards V'ei'ka Estárá 3000-class barge, a personal gift from the King.
My lord, to give me zuch a beautiful ztarzhip iz incredible, I promize to take good care of her, zhe iz zo beautiful!
—Jyoznarr to the king, upon the king giving him a V'ei'ka Estárá 3000
Jyoznarr was also known to love N'Akkiarlian Ale, in particular N'Akkiarlian Bitter.