Jurahi was a Cathar male Jedi Master on the Almas Council during the Clone Wars.
Your rule is at an end, Grievous.
—Jurahi last words before he attacks Grievous
The Almas Academy's Master of Visions, Jurahi was a contemplative pacifist who disdained fighting and viewed Jedi who "did their thinking with their lightsabers" as the greatest threat to the galaxy. Despite his views, he could not help but like Kirlocca, although he often mockingly called Kirlocca's successor, Devan For'deschel, the school's "Mistress of Battle." He quietly resigned himself to the unchangeable when the Jedi High Council ordered most of the school's teachers to war duty away from the system.
In 20 BBY, Jurahi served in the front to defend Naboo from another invasion of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He fought alongside Ti-Amun Tiro in the Naboo forest where they confronted General Grievous. Jurahi struck first, but Grievous evaded his attack and stabbed him through the chest. His lightsaber was eventually taken by the cyborg as a prize.